You Don't Scare Me

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Sin tried multiple times to talk to Liam but he wouldn't budge he needed to know. He needed to know that the letter on the windshield and the rock weren't the only threats since last week the notes only got worse each promising Liam and her pain and threatening to kill her family and for once sin was happy sins parents were in a better place. Sin was scared, they were becoming out of hand for her she needed Liam. Sin was pulling into the Parking lot at the school hoping to get Liam to talk to her today. She felt an uneasy feeling like someone was watching her. She was about to round the corner of one of the buildings when she saw the shadow of tall figure behind her. As soon as she whipped her head around the fingers were tightly wrapped around her neck like a cigarette in meaty hands she was easily breakable. The eyes of Drew met hers "hey baby" he said pushing her against the wall putting his body close to hers they could feel each other breaths. "What do you want!" She asked him wanting to know why she was put in the middle of this. "You sinful baby, don't you know? I mean I've know Liam for years and the look he gave you that day you mean something to him and I plan to take it" he grinned at her like a goddamn Cheshire Cat. "Just leave us alone" she told him he tightened the hold on her neck closing off the air she barely had enough of. "I'm .... Not..... Afraid ..... Of you." She gasped out barely able to hold on to the tears that wanted to fall from lack of oxygen. "let Liam know just because his dad died didn't mean he was out the game and you should be scared little girl" he said as he shoved her roughly against the brick wall he had been holding her against. She could feel the scratches from the wall on the back of her elbows and knew that her neck would leave bruises he watched as he walked away as if nothing happened. She pulled herself up her hands and breath shaky she needed to sleep she needed to think straight so she walked back the way she just came and got back in her car just to go straight back home to sleep.
When sin had enough rest to get her mind back in check and decide what needed to be done she went back to the school hoping to catch Liam when he exited his class. As soon as Liam was out the door she was in front of his oath blocking him from making another run for it. Sin didn't need to try very hard because the dark green blue fingerprints around her neck made him stop in his tracks. "What the hell happened to your neck sin?!" He asked her with All the worry and care in his voice. "Your best bud drew came by this morning and thought he'd leave a mark for me to remember him by" sin told him sarcastically she was tired of this and of Liam being a coward by ignoring her and not telling her the truth since she moved to Cali she just wanted to find peace and be someone knew and she found that in Liam. "He left you those marks!what the fuck!" He yelled in frustration "that's not all he left, he's been leaving these too" she said to him pulling out the notes and letters that she's been trying to show him for weeks. One by one Liam read them finally glancing at sin but she knew better he was a bomb about to go off his neck was red and his fists were clenched tightly around the papers she was sure they would have ripped. Instead of him saying ️okay you deserve to know the truth he only said this to her "I'll take care of Drew don't worry about it." The words hit sin like a punch to the face "those threats are to me too you know! I have every right to know so give me answers what the hell do they want with you Liam!" She couldn't help but yell and get frustrated with the guy in front of her. Liam stood silent he knew she was going to find out soon enough so he finally gave her some what of an answer. "They want me back and the money my dad stole for them" he looked at sin staring straight into her eyes willing to know what was going on inside that beautiful head of hers. He only wished he met sin before he followed his dad's footsteps. "I'm sorry, you do have every right to know the whole story so tomorrow come by my house and I'll tell you everything" he was going to walk past her but he couldn't help it he stopped and leaned over kissing the side of her head. "I'll take care of things, I know your secretly afraid and I know you care I know you want to cry, I know these things because I know you sin" he whispered it ever So gently leaving sin with her mouth open she didn't know what to say to him what could she say as she watched his muscular back disappear from her sight.

Hey guys:) thanks for reading,voting, and commenting I always appreciate it and also I wrote another book it has some of my poems in there if you wanna check it out. You guys are amazing ! Hopefully another update soon.

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