Big brother is in trouble again

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Sin waited all but 2 days for Liam to come back to school but her stubbornness told her she needed to see him he hadn't called or texted and sin new for a fact he didn't get arrested since Chris didn't press charges the rumors were all over the school of course. The thing was sin didn't know where Liam lived not once since she moved to Cali had she been to his house or seen any of his family members that he said he had. Walking into the attendance office she saw exactly who she was looking for. Sitting with his nose in a book roger was a student aid a senior who had time to spare since he finished most of his classes anyways. Making sure her smile seemed real she walked to him hoping he'd be the answer to her problem "hey buddy" sin said her voice dragging out the word with sweetness. Roger lifted his head lazily looking straight at her with a dead panned look "what do you want and it's gunna cost you" he said it so bluntly sin was a little thrown off but replied "I need the address of Liam Ortiz and I got 20$" she told him hoping it would be enough as she took out her wallet. He held out his hand not saying a word then mumbled "give me a sec" then walked towards a couple of drawers he flipped through files and pulled out a thick folder "Ortiz, right here it's 819 Ruiz street" he told her putting the folder back "thanks" she said before going out to her car to go see him she just needed to see if he was okay. When sin pulled up to the address she was surprised it didn't look like the best looking neighborhood the gate was falling apart and the grass that was there was dying and the white paint was chipped from everywhere, coming from the screen door a little girl maybe 5 or 6 years old came out with a doll in hand she sat down on the Porch steps and when she saw me heading towards the door she gave a look asking who I was without asking " I'm sin does Liam live here" she asked the little girl but she knew the answer when she got close enough the girl was a miniature version of him black hair and grey deep eyes "yes" she finally told her "big brothers in trouble again he's inside coloring ,your his girlfriend right ?cause I saw pictures of you inside his coloring book" she told sin. Sin surprised with what the little girl said "coloring book? You mean the black book he has?" Sin said thinking she meant Liam's sketch book that he never let her see. When the little girl was going to answer her a deep voice spoke up behind them "who are you talking to Gabby" Liam said when he came through the door but stopped short on seeing sin there talking to his little sister Gabriela. "What are you doing here" he asked not look happy but shocked and confused as to why she would show up to his house he thought she scared him "I've been worr" sin said before being cut off by engines revving behind them two black cars drove up to the house when a huge guy with a menacing face got out "Ortiz we've been wondering where you been" he called out his deep voice ringing in the air and was all of a sudden tense Liam spoke and said "get inside gabby and go to my room" gabby didn't refuse and ran inside "sin you need to leave his face held anger but she wasn't sure at who. " cmon man we don't have all day why don't you come back man" the guy from the truck said "you know I'm don't with that shit" Liam shouted turning to sin "leave, now. " he said so emotionless sins heart ached she didn't know what to say or what to do she walked to her car "your girl didn't have to go Liam she can join the crew too" he said with a smile that held evil in it. Liam held so much rage as he grabbed the guy by the shirt "there's our Liam" the guy said "you don't know me and you stay the fuck away from her I told you I'm done right the crew and especially you" he shoved the guy roughly but like it didn't affect him he chuckled with no humor "you'll come back man just wait" he threatened looking straight at sin "see you around babe" he said as the two cars drive off and sin stood by her car looking at Liam wondering if she even knew him any more when Liam was about to walk to her she jumped into her car and drove off Liam thinking she finally was afraid and sin only having anger for him hiding things from her. What's going to happen when they get back to school cause sin knew she needed Liam he was her only friend the only guy ....sins mind trailed off wondering why she was feeling these things. She needed her parents and thought as she drove home.

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