Chapter 2: A Favour

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Finnelan: Ok Y/N, now I know I said that you would be staying with me at all times, I am going to be a little busy at certain points. For that I'm going to have to ask someone just to keep an eye on you.

Y/N nodded his head. He wasn't expecting his auntie to be there all day everyday. She had work to do. And plus...

He knew that she would need breaks every so often,

Finnelan: I'm glad you understand. Never a problem child! Just willing to take what's been put out in front of him!

Y/N: Y-y-you r-raised me well!

Admittedly, Finnelan's heart skipped a beat when her nephew said that. To the rest of the students she came across as some old, grumpy teacher. So she was glad that her own nephew thought that she did a good job of raising him.

Finnelan: W-well u-ummm. Thank you. I'm glad that you think that!

A smile spreads across the boys face as she smiled back and gently placed her hand on his head and began to rub it.

Finnelan: I know I might not show it or say it enough to you, but I do love you Y/N. I always wanted a child of my own but never got the chance. And you being my sisters son, makes that bond stronger!

At first Finnelan thought she went on for a bit too long, but the widening smile from her nephew and the hug that he gave her afterwards, made her realise that there was a lot of meaning in those words.

Especially for Y/N.

Y/N: I-I know you do! I-I l-love you too auntie!

For the first time in years, Finnelan could feel the tears forming in her eyes. She hadn't cried since her sister went missing and having her sisters son alongside did remind her of her. In a good way of course!

She saw the gentle demeanour of her sister in this boy and vowed to protect until he was ready to go off on his own, or somehow his mother is found again.

Finnelan: A-Anyway. I will call them in as soon as I get that chance. You will be able to meet them just to get to know who you'll be spending the time with. Does that seem alright to you?

Y/N nods his head again and watches his aunt stand up. He gets up alongside her and she hands him half a pile of books.

Finnelan: I think we both learned what happened when one carries too much! We'll take these to the lesson and then if you could just put one book in each space for each of the students that would be very helpful! After that you have your own things to do correct?

Y/N: Y-yeah I do.

Finnelan: Then if you just get in with that and I'll check over it for you afterwards.

Y/N: S-sounds fine!

The pair walk out of Finnelan's small office side by side to her classroom. There were a few students about who did seem quite curious about Y/N. A few started to whisper to one and other as Finnelan took note of her nephew's uneasiness and walked behind him as to almost act as a shield for when they passed the students.

Finnelan: Don't worry Y/N, I will make it clear to them that they must mind themselves around you. They will stare because they are teenage girls, but I'm also talking about...more intimate things. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Y/N blushed and nodded his head.

Y/N: I-I th-think so.

Finnelan: No worries. We have been through this subject before. It's all a part of your education. If you ever feel uncomfortable then just tell me.

Challenging For Love {Diana and Akko x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum