Chapter 10: Balance

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The door to the room flung open which made me jump and fall off my bed and onto the floor.

Akko: Oh my god! I am so sorry Y/N! I've just got all my stuff here and was so excited to move in here with you! I didn't mean to scare you that much!

I smile through the pain I was feeling in my arm which I landed on and pushed myself up off the floor and stood up.

Y/N: I-it's o-ok Akko. I-I'm excited to have you here as well!

Her grin stretched to either side of her face as she lunged forward and pulled me into a hug. I winced a little because of my arm but hugged her back.

Akko: You hurt yourself didn't you? When I made you jump and fall off your bed.

Y/N: Y-yeah I-I just landed on my arm is all. I-it'll go away with time. Nothing is broken so you're ok!

She buried her head in my chest and sighed deeply.

Akko: I love you Y/N. I love you so much.

Y/N: I love you too Akko.

As we were hugging, there was a knock on the door followed by a voice that made me even happier.

Diana: I hope I haven't missed out on anything. And that I am welcome at this moment in time.

Y/N: O-of course you're welcome! This is your room as well!

She smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her. Akko didn't move from her position in my arms even when Diana walked past and hugged me from behind.

Diana: I trust you are feeling well my love?

I nod my head and feel her kiss my cheek.

Diana: Fantastic.

Y/N: So...I guess I should help you out all your stuff away then Akko?

Akko: You don't have to! After all, I did kinda hurt you when I burst into the room. I feel bad about that.

Diana: You're hurt?! Where?

Y/N: J-Just my arm. It's fine though, nothing is broken. Akko just made me jump is all when she came bursting into the room.

Akko laughed nervously and let go, before I dragged her back into the hug.

Y/N: Haha. Oh it's just who you are isn't it Akko? I-I really don't mind. I-I'll help you settle in.

Diana: See Akko? This boy is a real sweetheart. Both of us are very lucky to have someone like him.

Akko: Yeah I definitely agree!

I couldn't contain my blush as the two girls talked about me. The two of them giggled when they realised I was looking down at the floor and both hugged me tighter.

Diana: No need to get so flustered my love. We are after all, telling the truth. And I know how shy you are, but I guess that's something we can work on.

She kisses my cheek again and let's go of me and walked over to the bed and sat down.

Akko: You're our shy boy though. And I wouldn't have you any other way.

Akko let's go and picks up her pile of clothes and grins at me.

Akko: Could you please show me where to put my clothes Y/N?

I was still blushing and rather embarrassed when I looked back up at Akko, whose grin got even wider when she saw my face.

Y/N: J-Just i-in th-the wardrobe o-over there.

Challenging For Love {Diana and Akko x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz