Chapter 13: Positive Feedback

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Class was...actually surprisingly quiet! There were a few disgruntled students who objected to the lack of Professor Finnelan, but everyone quickly got past all that and got on with their work.

Akko also seemed to be really focused on her work too! I decided to sit with her today, with Diana just on the row in front of us.

I did have one of Akko's hands brushing against mine every so often and she would occasionally take it and intertwine our fingers, before she had to use that hand to turn a page in her notebook.

It just felt really nice to be with her, and it seemed like she felt the same way!

Y/N: Remember Akko, just don't get too distracted okay? I know I'm next to you, b-but I just want you to do the best you can in these classes.

I said to her in a whisper which resulted in her giggled and shuffling closer to me.

Akko: Awww yeah I know! I promise I'm still on task! It's just comforting to know that you are beside me!

That made my heart skip a few beats because it meant a lot to hear that from her. I wanted her to be her usual happy self all the time!

Finally, the lunch bell went and we were released from our class. Akko had immediately taken custody of my hand as we exited the classroom.

Akko: How did you managed to get on with your work Y/N? You still have other stuff that you're doing! Right?

Y/N: Yeah I do! A-And I'm getting on with it a-at a pace that I'm happy with!

She grinned at me and rested her head on my shoulder as we walked.

Akko: That's great to hear Y/N! Keep up the good work!

Y/N: Y-you too Akko!

I had my lunch with Akko and her friends, but I wanted to make sure I checked in with my aunt while I had the chance.

Y/N: I just hope that she has been enjoying her peace and quiet! I don't really know anyone who wouldn't enjoy that, but she might be a little bored there not doing anything!

It was for her own good still! I kept repeating that thought in my head the whole time and knew that she needed this long rest.

Once I had finished my food, I picked up my plate and kissed Akko on the head telling her I'd be back later on.

After returning my plate, I quickly stopped off to see Diana, who was pleased that I did.

Diana: Hello my dear! Come here, come here...

She gestured for me to get closer which I did and was promptly dragged into a tight hug by her.

Diana: There we go....I just need to feel your warmth for a second Y/N....

Y/N: S-sure! I-is everything alright Diana?

Diana: Everything is fine...I just missed you this have been sat next to me up until today. It felt...odd without you there, even if we are still new to this whole relationship thing.

I nodded my head and hugged her back, gently patting her on the head and stroking her hair.

Y/N: I-I m-missed you too Diana...I-I decided that I would sit with Akko this morning!...B-but I'll make time for you both. Th-that's a promise!

Diana hummed and buried her face in my shoulder. I really wanted to tell her that I needed to move on and go see my aunt.

But at the same time I didn't want to go, because it seemed like she wasn't going to let me leave anytime soon. Plus, when she hugged me like this I didn't want to leave either!

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