Chapter 8: My Biggest Rival!

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Finnelan: Now remember what I have always told you Y/N! Having a girlfriend brings great responsibility! You are to treat her like a person! Not as an object!

I nod my head as my aunt gave me a lecture on having a girlfriend. Diana did stay the night and seemed comfortable sleeping next to me. Although she did keep herself to herself.

Finnelan: Miss Cavendish is our prized student and I absolutely trust her with you! That is why when I came in this morning I was comfortable with seeing her in the room with you!

Y/N: Sh-she w-was very gentle!

Diana did stroke my hair at some points and did give me a few kisses before I fell asleep. However she did refrain from hugging me while I slept.

Not that I really would've minded.

Finnelan: And I know that I can trust you not to do anything inappropriate with her. Those things have to wait until you are sure she is the one.

I nodded my head and looked to see Diana approaching us.

Finnelan: I shall leave you now. Have a good day Y/N.

She walks over and gently pats the top of my head. As soon as she is gone, Diana took her place.

That loving smile ever present on her face.

Diana: Hello my love.

I blushed at the name she used for me and smiled back.

Y/N: H-hi.

She sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug.

Diana: What was your aunt talking to you about?

Y/N: O-oh the r-responsibilities o-of having a girlfriend.

Diana: Ah of course! I know this is all a new experience for you. It is for me as well. We will take this at a pace that is suitable for the both of us.

Y/N: Th-that s-sounds great.

Diana: I'm glad...

She gently kissed my cheek and then moved over and planted a soft kiss onto my lips.

Diana: I love you.

Those three words would always make my heart skip a beat. Especially when Diana said them. Her voice just sounded so angelic!

Y/N: I-I l-love y-you t-too.

This time I managed to get the words out. She looked at me and giggled.

Diana: You finally said it back! I know how much of a surprise it was to you yesterday so I understand it took a while for you to get comfortable saying it!

Diana moved over onto my lap and happily looked around and then back at me.

Diana: Sorry if this embarrasses you in any way! You tell me to move if you like! It's just...this is me showing you that I will always be here when you need me.

I wrap my arms around her waist and she puts her head on my chest.

Diana: Your response would tell me that you are comfortable with this. But don't let me assume! Please tell me.

Y/N: I-I'm f-fine with i-it Diana. Tr-trust me.

Diana: Good~.

I looked around the room and my eyes met Akko's who had a noticeable jealous look on her face.

She didn't actually realise I was staring back at her at first, but soon did and her face burst into a bright red colour. In fact it looked like the same colour as her eyes!

Challenging For Love {Diana and Akko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now