Chapter 3: Kagari

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Finnelan: Y/N. I will ask you to be on your best behaviour today! You have to prove that you can act properly around an individual such as Diana! She comes from a prestigious witch family and is our star student as you know!

She walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

Finnelan: But I don't need to tell you all this. You are a very polite young man so you shouldn't have any problems with being left with Diana.

I nod my head. Diana was a nice girl. Although I had only talked to her briefly yesterday, I had a good feeling about her!

Finnelan: You'll be in her lesson and all you need to do is your work. Is that alright with you?

Y/N: Y-yes.

There was then a knock at the door and it opens to reveal the blonde haired girl we were just talking about. She had a small smile on her face as she walked up to us.

Finnelan: Good morning Diana.

Diana: Good morning Professor. Y/N.

Y/N: G-Good m-morning!

Her smile gets wider and then she looks at my auntie.

Finnelan: Thank you for doing this Diana. I have a really busy day today and as much as I would like to have my nephew beside me, I believe he should be interacting with those his age.

Diana: I understand.

Finnelan: Now he shouldn't be a bother to you and your friends. He has work that he will be getting on with in the lesson. If he looks like he needs help then just do your best. He is an intelligent young man!

Diana looks at me again and smiles as I blush a little. Sure my work was hard but the work that everyone here was doing is so much harder! My aunt might be a witch, but I literally have no idea what this all means!

Finnelan: Ok then Y/N. Go on now. And Diana, please take good care of him.

Diana: Of course I will. Let's go Y/N.

I nod my head and stand up and pick up my things and then pulled into a hug by my aunt.

Finnelan: I-I'll see you later Y/N.

I return the hug and squeeze her tight.

Y/N: B-Bye Auntie. I-I love you!

Finnelan: I-I love you too Y/N.

These were the moments that I looked forward to the most. Hugging my aunt. She might not be my mother, but she might as well be!

And I don't care what others say about her! It doesn't affect how I feel about her!

I let go of her and smile and walk up to Diana who was smiling at me. She walks forward and I follow her out of my aunts office.

We walk in silence for a few moments as I thought of what I could say to her.

Diana: I never thought Professor Finnelan would act like that.

Turns out, she beat me to it!

She looked at me, that warm smile still plastered on her face.

Diana: Which isn't a bad thing! It's nice to see that my teachers aren't always flooded with work. You have a really special relationship with her.

Y/N: Y-yeah. I-I d-do.

My response was a little short but I feel it got my point across.

Diana: I just also wanted to say that Hannah wants to apologise to you for her rudeness yesterday. It was not right for her to ask a question like that. Especially when you seem anxious about everyone here.

Challenging For Love {Diana and Akko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now