Chapter 11: No Work!

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I had to be up really early. So early that even Diana was still asleep! That made me a little proud that I had managed to get up before her!

She was usually up, waiting around for me and Akko to wake up, already in her uniform.

But right now, I would have to get going as soon as I was ready. I might have beaten Diana, now I had to beat my aunt as well!

The plan that me and the headmistress had come up with was being put in place today. It had taken us a little while to figure it all out, but we knew what we had to do.

Sneaking my way around the school, I made it to my aunts office to see that she was not here yet.

I smiled. This was going to be easy!

All that I had to do was find her schedule and take it away. When she tried to find it, I would talk to her.

If she continued to protest, then I would say that someone else was dealing with her work.

That was true. Professor Badcock and Ursula said they would split the work between them.

I took her schedule and neatly folded it up so the work she put into organising it wouldn't go to waste. She would be able to use it when she started back up.

Y/N: I hope you don't get mad...I've been trying so hard to get you to take it easy but you always seem to find a way around it!

It's not like I was being annoying as after a while I took the hint that she wasn't interested, but right now she always looked so tired!

That's why she's always so strict.

Satisfied with that I had done, I left her office and there was the headmistress stood outside waiting for me.

Holbrooke: Good morning Y/N! Have you completed the first part of the plan?

I nod my head and take the piece of paper out of my pocket.

Y/N: Th-this is her schedule. She'll want to find it once she knows it's gone.

Holbrooke: Alright! Good work Y/N! I believe she is still asleep right now.

Y/N: What will we do when she wakes up?

Holbrooke: Oh don't worry about that! I've been up for a while now and I've already given the resources for her work to Professor Badcock and Ursula.

I nod my head. This really was surprisingly easy so far!

Y/N: So we just wait now?

Holbrooke: Yes. And if she asks you about anything this morning, please sit her down and have a proper talk with her. This is the best opportunity you'll get to properly get through to her.

Y/N: Yep!

I quickly rush back to my dorm room and quietly open the door. Both girls were still sleeping, but Diana's eyes were beginning to flutter open.

Diana: Y-Y/N...?

She said before she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

Y/N: H-Hey Diana.

Diana: W-What are you doing up this early? You don't have lessons to get to.

Y/N: I-I was just doing some stuff to get my aunt to stop working for a little while. I-I just wanna spend time with her...

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