Chapter 5: Cheerleader!

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I was actually really looking forward to the lesson I would be in today. The girls would be flying on their brooms, but it gave me an opportunity to sit in the lovely sunshine and do my work!

It just felt really nice to be out there and work and not cooped up inside all day. My aunt was happy to see me in this mood this morning. I think it put her in a good mood!

The only reason why I am out there is because Diana is. With her meant to be keeping an eye on me and all.

Y/N: Am I not trustworthy enough to take care of myself?

Answer. No not really. I would get really lonely and it would just bring back haunting memories. It was better the way my aunt had gone about it.

Akko: Oh Y/N!!! Hi!!!

Akko's cheery voice called out from behind me and I turn around to see her, Lotte and Sucy with their brooms walking in my direction.

I give them a wave and decide to wave back at them.

Lotte: Hi Y/N! Will you be joining us in lesson now?

Y/N: Y-yeah I will. I-it'll b-be nice t-to work out in the sunshine f-for once!

Lotte smiles at me as I walk alongside them and look at the ground. I had spent most of the afternoon with them yesterday, but I mostly stayed quiet and listened to what they had to say.

Akko: Aren't you gonna get bored Y/N?

I look at Akko and shook my head.

Y/N: I-I h-have a lot t-to do.

I did kinda hope that I would get sometime to just sit on the grass and chill out for a bit. The work did make me really tired and I just really wanted to relax.

But I haven't had such luck so far.

Akko: Well if you do, then you could come and find us! We'd give you some company!

I look at Lotte who smiled and nodded her head. Sucy just nodded her head with that neutral look still present on her face.

Y/N: O-ok. Thank you.

Akko's smile got even wider of that was even possible! When we get outside I sat down on the stairs and Akko stops at turns to me.

Akko: Are you really gonna stay here?

Y/N: Th-there's n-no where I can go o-over there.

Akko: Well there is a table over there that you could go to!

Akko pointed over to a bench with a table which was relatively close to the lesson area.

I'm surprised I didn't see that before.

Y/N: O-oh damn! I-I didn't s-see that!

Akko giggles and I blush. She had a really cute giggle...

Y/N: Wait woah! D-Did I really think that?

I shake my head and smile back at Akko.

Y/N: Th-thanks Akko. I-I'll catch up with you later.

Akko: See ya Y/N!

She grins at me before running off to join the others.

I walk over to the bench and sat down to get in with my work. I could hear a lot of chatter from the lesson and at times looked up to see Diana glancing over at me and smiling when we made eye contact.

She had been nice to me so far but then again so had everyone. I was content being here for now.

At one point after the lesson had started, I did feel a huge gust of wind which did blow everything around. While picking everything up, the person responsible came into view with a guilty look on their face.

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