I'm Seriously Going to Spy on You, if You Like it or Not

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I woke up when the sun's rays bothered my eyes. I squeezed my eyes shut and sat up. I listened downstairs. There was a lot of noise coming from there. I got out of the room and looked down the stairs. No one was downstairs that I saw. I walked down the steps, I heard it coming from the basement.

I didn't get that far to the basement before Bert came out. He caught me trying to get to the basement. I paused and stepped back from him. He smiled and walked towards me. We both held our eyes on each other.

"Hey, you don't have to be scared of me," he said slyly.

"I'm not scared of you," I blushed at him. I slowly felt my back hit the wall behind me.

"I can tell you are," he said. He started to talk quietly. He got closer to me and dragged his fingers around the edge of my chin. He smiled at me with his sly smile.

I heard footsteps coming from the basement. I didn't think Bert heard them.

"You are the cutest girl I've ever met." Bert said looking down with a little grin on his face. He leaned in and pushed his lips gently upon mine.  I heard a voice from the other side of the room. I figured it was Jeph, Bert turned to him after pulling off and hearing him.

"Guys I was right," Jeph said, "Bert was going to fuck Zoe."

"Shut the fuck up Jepha," Bert yelled back at him, "I just kissed her, alright?"

Jeph laughed and he walked back downstairs.

I looked back up at Bert, he was a little bit taller than me.

"Jeph can be a dick sometimes." I said.

"Yeah, but he's the best bass player I've ever known"

"He plays bass?" I asked. He never told me any of this.

"Yeah, were working on a song right now, but do you wanna hang with us?" He asked. "You can't really do anything else without hearing us."

"Sure." I grabbed his hand and we walked into the basement.

"Aww, you guys are already together," Branden said as we went down the stairs.

"Dude just shut the fuck up," I said.

I sat down in one of the chairs that was in the room.

"So what are we playing?" Quinn asked. He plugged in his amp.

"We could play 'Box Full of Sharp Objects' ," Bert said.

The guys all agreed.

Bert got his mic off of one of the amps that was in the room and turned it on.

"This song is called 'A Box Full Of Sharp Objects',"he yelled.

They started to play, Quinn, Jeph, and Branden were amazing. Quinn's guitar riffs were amazing and were perfect, I didn't  see him mess up at all, I was amazed.

"It's our time to shine, through the down glorified by what is ours. We've fallen in love, we've fallen in love, it was the best idea I've ever had."

It was surpising how Bert sang, he had the talent.

"Today I fell, it felt better. Just knowing this matters, I just feel stronger, and sharper. Found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing."

When the song was over, I stood up and clapped for the four guys. I felt like this could go somewhere.

Quinn and Jeph pulled their guitar and bass over their heads and put them away.

"How the hell was it?" Jeph asked.

"That was the shit guys, I liked it. Do you guys have a band name yet?" I asked.

"It's USED," Branden said.

"You guys could make a living out of this, that was different."

"I've been emailing a person about it," Quinn said, "He liked it, he wanted more, so I gave him this song."

"Has he answered yet?"

"Not yet." he said, he looked sad about it, "So what do you want to do?" He asked us.

"I don't know,"

"We need groceries," Quinn said. "Wanna get them with me?" he asked us.

Jeph immediately said," Yes,"  Quinn and Jeph were inseparable.

Branden shrugged, "Sure."

I didn't feel like going anywhere today, "Nah."

Bert smiled at me, "I'll watch over Zoe," he said in his calm, relaxed voice.

"Okay, no fucking each other, " Quinn yelled as he climbed up the stairs to the the first floor.

Branden and Jeph were pretending to kiss each other, I laughed. Bert didn't find it as funny.

We ran up the stairs, and up to the first floor. Quinn looked at us funny before he left with Jeph and Branden.

I watched his red car leave out the drive way.  "What are we going to do now?" I asked Bert.

"I don't know. Something?"

He kissed my forehead. "I heard what happened to you yesterday," he said.

"Yeah, I was spying on you guys," I admitted. I was bad at lying anyways.


"Yeah I was hiding in the stair way," I pointed to the place where I listened.

"Next time, Quinn will have to be better at putting you somewhere," he smiled, "But yeah, that sucks man."

"I know. Why are you here?" I asked.

"My parents kicked me out cuz I was doing a lot of drugs, I don't do much now," he added. "I mostly get high."

"Ok, why they kick you out? I would think they would want you to get better."

"They did, I just didn't want to."

"Ok I need a drink," I went in the kitchen while Bert ventured into his room. I grabbed the first Coke that was in the fridge, and went into Bert's room.

His room wasn't as dirty as Quinn's but it was still messy. He sat on his bed smoking.

"You smoke?" I asked, my family were smokers, but I didn't.

"I do," he took a drag off of his cigarette. "Want one?"

I shugged, "Sure, I've never smoked before." I felt dumb saying that.

"Here, I'll show you," He gave me a lighter and cigarette. 

I lit it and took a drag off of it. I smelled the smoke and coughed.

"You'll get used to it," he said. He smiled at me.

I stopped coughing and took another drag. I felt normal.

"See, you learned something that you'll become addicted to." Bert said.

I laughed at that, it was true.

"What do you want to do now?"  I asked.

"Do you wanna get high?" He asked.

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