Ketamine: Special K

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"What was it?" I asked. I saw Quinn twitch in my bed.

"So remember how we started watching movies?" He asked.

"Yeah, I remember that, with the one movie about punk rock? I love that movie." I said.

"So we finished it. Do you remember what happened next?"

"No, that's it." I said.

"Well, you forget everything that's exciting. Branden left at around 9 and we got baked as fuck."  Bert smiled. "My stash is gone now."

"Wow, we did like a shit ton." A few memories came back, it felt like I was in a coma and didn't remember anything. Until someone showed me.

"Yeah, do you remember what happened after that? If you don't I'm telling you anyways. Do you know what the song Special K by Placebo is about?"

"Yeah," I felt like such a nerd, "It's Ketamine, did we use it?" I was worried, that shit does crazy shit to you and your brain.

"Of course we did. That's why I brought it up. We all were hallucinating for a while, I thought I was dying, we all did." Bert said.

"How did we get it?" I asked. "Ketamine is not something we should mess with."

"Quinn found it at the hospital. That drug is so messed up. And I get why Brian tried it." He laughed. "It's so messed up."

"That's why I lost the memory. Ketamine makes you forget things. I shoudn't of done it." I felt guilty for using a drug that destroys you. "Why did I fucking try it?" I asked myself.

"You wanted to. You were the only one who knew what Ketamine was." Bert said. I was surprised, my life was becoming even more fucked up. Me fighting with my family, death, and now drugs.

I rolled my eyes, "My fucking life. What's happening?" I covered my head in my hands.

"Your alright, there was really nothing else that happened besides us all sleeping in your room. We are all fine."

"Why did you guys even come in there in the first place?" I asked.

"You were in there, freaking out so we all tried to calm you down. Then we passed out."

"Why was I freaking out?" I asked.

"You started thinking you were dying. You tried to knock yourself out a few times. Did you notice you had blood dripping on your forehead?" Bert pointed to my forehead, my hair covered my wound. I touched it, my hand felt moist. I looked down at my hand off my head, and crimson blood had started to cover it.

"You hit yourself with a piece of glass. Didn't you notice it before?" He asked, worried.

"I have a headache, that's it." I sighed, "Is that it? I mean, of what happened?"

"Yeah, I need to clean your wound. Come with me." He stood up and pulled me off the ground. I felt like a baby.

He took me into the bathroom and searched for the little first-aid kit hiding in the cabinet. 

  "Your treating me like a kid." I said. "I could do this easily by myself."

"Well, I can baby you. Your basically my baby," the eighteen year old kissed my cheek and started searching again.  He found the case and opened it.  Bert pulled my hair back and used an old cloth to wipe the blood from my head.

"Do you know how badly I feel like an idiot?" I told Bert.

"Well, we're not gonna try Special K again." He squeezed out the cloth and out it back on my forehead. "Hold that there and wait a minute. The blood should stop soon."

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