Sorry about that

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I turned off the water in the shower, Bert was already out and dressing. My breathing slowed and felt a little bit normal.

Bert looked outside, the sun was pretty low but not touching the horizon yet. "What time is it?" He asked trying to calm himself down.

"I think 5, maybe 5:30." I stepped out of the shower to shirtless Bert. "We were in there for awhile." I grabbed the towel that he had left for me.

"Jesus, we had some fun." Bert laughed and kissed my cheek. "I'll be back." He left the door open, Quinn wasn't home so no one else could see me. I grabbed my clothes that Bert picked out for me. It was some of his clothes, I didn't think he remembered that I had my own. I put them on, it was some black torn up pants and a striped shirt.

Bert came back on his phone, "Quinn's staying the night." Bert looked up at me, "I knew you'd look nice in that. Even if none of what you're wearing is yours." He smiled.

"Yeah I was confused about that."

"I just didn't want to look through your stuff. " He shrugged and left the room. I followed him to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and found something to eat. "Do you need anything?" He asked me.

"No, I don't want to eat after what happened at lunch." I said.

"Babe, it was only once. You need something." He sighed and looked up at me.

"Fine, this time I won't puke." I didn't want to, but I did what Bert told me.

"I'll just get you this." He dumped what he was eating onto the plate beside him. I realized it was spagetti. He put it in the microwave and we waited.


"So, what do wanna watch?" Bert asked. I was laying on him, he held the plate in his lap and we ate off of it. He turned on the Tv and we started flipping through channels.

"Um, is Velvet Goldmine on here?" I asked, shoving at bite into my mouth.

"Yeah I just saw it." He clicked back to the channel that it was on.

"I love this movie, all about fucking David Bowie and glam rock." I said.

The eighteen year old beside me turned to see me leaning on him and moved his arm, "You just like it because Placebo is in here." He smiled

"That's one reason. We're seeing them in 4 days," I put more spagetti in my mouth. "So I'm allowed to like this movie for that reason."

Bert and I stopped talking and watched the rest of the movie. We both fell asleep when the movie ended.


"Hey," Bert sat up and moved me. The brightness around me made me hold my hands over my eyes.

"I wanna go to sleep." I whined at him.

"Ok, same here." He took me from the couch and carried me to my room. He sat me down on the bed and shut my windows so no light could disturb me. My friend layed beside he and brushed my hair out of my face until I fell back asleep.


Bert's POV

Zoe smiled at me with her eyes closed before she passed out. I got up and shut the door behind me. It always was eerie that I was the only one awake.

My phone started buzzing across the room. I grabbed it off the counter I put it on the night before. I realized it was only 8 o'clock before I read the text.

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