My Sweet Prince

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Bert grabbed my arm and we walked around the venue. We found the stairs and Bert's friend was waiting by the stairs that were blocked off.

"Hey man." Bert said hi to Anthony.

"Hey, your girl looks like a dude. Here's your tickets." Anthony handed us the passes. I took them and hung them around my neck. The passes were held by lanyards.

"Don't say that." I didn't like Anthony. I grabbed Bert's hand and we found Quinn, Jeph, and Matt.

"Merch?" I asked. I wanted something Placebo to wear.

"We'll be here." Jeph pointed to where he stood.

"I'm coming." Bert grabbed my hand and I lead him to the merch table.

There was no one at the table except the guy who sold everything. "What do you want?"

I pointed to a black shirt with all their faces on it. "That one." I took out a twenty dollar bill. He traded me the shirt for the bill.

"Thanks man." I waved bye at the merch guy. He smiled and waved back.

I put my shirt over top of my other one.Bert looked at my new shirt. "Brian's right on your tits."

"Yeah I know." I grabbed Bert's arm and we went back to our group of friends.

"We should get closer to the stage." I said.

"Yeah," Matt said. We all walked down closer to the stage, we were right next to it. The sound guys were setting up for them.

"This gonna be fucking awesome." I jumped up and down.

"Yeah, calm yourself be ready. Show goes on in about, " Jeph checked his phone, "Ten minutes."

"Yay," I said.


The lights started to dim. I turned to the stage and started jumping. The people around me pushed forward. I kept hitting into the side of the stage. Bert grabbed me and push the others back a little.

  Stefan and Steve came out. Stefan pulled his bass over him and strummed it. I screamed, ready for what would come next. I was excited for Brian to come out, from where I was standing. Brian would be right in front.

Brian came out in all black and we both shared the same haircut. He looked down at my smiling face and smiled back at me.

They started to play Black Eyed. Without saying a word they moved onto Special K. I felt more of a connection to the song now. 

"How are you people doing tonight?" Brian happily yelled at the crowd. We yelled right back.

"That's fucking great. Thanks for being here. This songs called 'Nancy Boy' we haven't played this in a while. But hopefully you can enjoy." He started playing the song and singing. I yelled the song right back.

They went on with 36 degrees, Taste in Men, Haemoglobin, and many others. I felt my voice fade away. People around me kept spilling their beer and getting it on my clothes.

When they finished Every You Every Me. Brian looked down at the screaming crowd. "Who wants to sing with me?" He asked the crowd. People started pushing in front of me. I didn't know where my friends were, I felt hopeless. I started to cry a little.

Brian looked at my crying face. "Everybody move." He took his guitar off and grabbed the mic. Brian hopped down from the stage and walked down the path the fans opened up.  I was right in the middle of the path.

"Why are you crying?" He gave me a hug. I was nervous.

"I can't find my friends." I wiped my eyes. Brian was actually caring for one of his fans. I was happy. Everyone else around me wished to be me.

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