I'm Dying Tomorrow

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We arrived at Grey's Diner around 2, it was a small little diner, they had everything set up like we were in the sixties.

"This is really classy." I said as we walked inside and sat down. There were posters hanging around of famous people of the sixties. It also had old metal and red seats by the counter. There was also had a jutebox playing music.

"Follow me," the waitress said. She lead us to the back of the diner. We sat down and waited. I looked at the menu. "Hopefully there's something vegitarian for you Jeph."

"Yeah," he opened the menu, "I think I'll just get pancakes."

One of the waiters came over to our table, "My name is Matthew. What do you want?" He said. I could tell he was angry about something. He was trying to hide it. He kinda looked a little familiar, with his blonde balding hair and his tattoos.

"Are you Matt Skiba?" I asked politely. He smiled at me.

"Yea, I didn't know there were any Alkaline Trio fans here." He cheered up and shook my hand.

"So why are you here?" I completely forgot about our orders.

"I needed a job so I can keep my equiptment for our shows." He said. "I've only been working here a couple days."

"Thats cool, I always wanted to talk to you Matt." I smiled at him.

"Isn't that so. I could get a break and we can talk." I nodded and he left.

Branden looked pissed, "I thought we were getting food," he yelled quietly at me, "not you interviewing Matt Skiba."

"You guys can get food," I watched Matt sit down at a table, "I'm talking to Matt." I got up and walked to his table. I felt Bert's eyes watching me.

"So hi, my name is Zoe, you are awesome. I would say more but I don't want to sound like a fucking fangirl." I laughed at myself.

"Oh, ok Zoe. I've been fangirled so much on tour, it's alright if you do." He touched my hand that was laying on the table. In my head I was yelling and freaking out.

"So how's the music industry been to you? My friends," I pointed to Bert and the guys, "are trying to start a band."

He scratched his head, "Um, well, there not that nice to us. I mean, we get pushed around but you get back up and start over. But the company were in is pretty awesome."

"Thats cool." I felt like I was interviewing him.

He looked me in the eye and smiled, "So how's normal life?"

"It's okay I guess. I'm kind of between houses right now. But its a party," I realized that I was becoming depressed, "I guess, I don't really know."

"Well, thats what happened to me before the band started," He smiled at me to make me happy again, "You'll be okay."

"I have a Alkaline Trio bag that I was wondering you could sign, but I don't have it with me." I pretended to look for it.

"Oh, I could hang with you tomorrow. If you're not doing anything, I'll just call in and pretend I'm sick. Or about to go on tour."

"Yeah, its my birthday tomorrow, it would be okay if you could come over around 3 maybe. I have to go get my things from my parents, if you wanna help that would be cool"

"I can if you want me to, Well tell me where I should meet you and I'll see you tomorrow." He looked really happy.

Matt gave me a peice of paper and pen and I wrote Jeph's address down, I was going to stay there tonight.

"See you tomorrow," I got up and left Matt. He waved at me.

The guys had just gotten their food when I came back. Bert was staring at him, I knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Bert, I don't have a date with him, he's just gonna hang with us tomorrow," I said.

"Ok," he still looked a little pissed. "Fine, why is he coming over?"

"He's going to help me with my room and just hang out to make my parents pissed. It'll be fun."

Bert started eating again, I waited until they were done and we left. I waved at Matt while he was smoking outside

"Wow, that was good. You should've eaten the food, not eye-fucking Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio." Branden said.

"Well, I wanted to meet someone who I've wanted to meet before." I said.

"I don't really care, but Bert is so fucking pissed at you." Branden looked back at him. I did to. He had his arms crossed and was pouting on the other side of the car. I felt bad but it was kind of funny to watch him be hurt.

"Dude, I am not going to fuck Matt Skiba," I said. Jeph parked the car and Bert rushed inside.

"Hey come back here!" I ran after him.

He slammed the door, and I was behind him. He rushed upstairs and into Jeph's room. I followed him, I started walking, I knocked on the door instead of going inside.

"Bert get out, it's not that big of a deal," I said, this was stupid.

"It's a fucking big deal to me." He hit one of the walls. It got quiet so I went downstairs. I felt that he was okay.

"He'll be up there for awhile," I said sitting on the couch.

"I'll go up and see what he wants," Jeph said, he wallked upstairs and went inside. Branden and I sat on the couch not saying a word. Jeph came downstairs ten minutes later.

"He wants to talk to you," Jeph said.

I nodded and walked upstairs, I opened the door. Bert was huddled in a corner, I sat infront of him.

"What do you want?" He turned to look at the wall.

"You wanted me to come up here." I said.

"Yeah," He looked at the other wall.

"Well, you're acting like a child, Bert I was just talking to him."

"But I felt like there was more between you than what was going on," Bert looked at my eyes and bit his lip.

"There isn't anything between us. You know that, I wouldn't leave you." I kissed his forehead.

"Fine, if you show me tomorrow I'll believe you," He said.

"Ok, we should proly go downstairs." I stood up.

"I'll be down there in a bit," He said. I left for the door,"And Zoe." I turned around and looked at Bert. He smiled, "It's probably."

I smiled at him and went downstairs. "He'll be out in a bit," I said to the guys.

"Ok, that was stupid. Bert doesn't know what 'being a jealous child' is," Jeph said. He sat down on the couch.

"Well, Bert is a 'jealous child'. Don't judge him," I said and sat on the couch.

"Ok, fine, I'm tired." It was only 5:30. Jeph was usually not tired this early.

"Whatever, go to bed if you want." I said.

"Nah, I'd wake up at one," Jeph said, he turned on the TV and we started watching reruns of random shows. Bert never came down from his room. I started getting worried and went upstairs, Jeph and Branden were asleep on the couch. I opened the door, Bert was asleep on Jeph's bed. I started feeling sleepy so I crawled into bed with him and fell asleep a little after.

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