Time Kills

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Jeph was blaring the band's first demos from the car. I enjoyed listening to Bert's screaming and singing, it was amazing.

We finally got to Branden's around 10. He usually was awake during the late morning so he would probably be surprised at us.

"Hey man," Jeph said to him as we waited outside.

"Oh hey, I'm not ready yet, but just hang and I'll be back." He rushed to his room upstairs. We all sat down on the couch. His parents came out from the other room to greet us. They were really nice to us.

"Hello there." His mom sat down on the couch beside us. Her dog followed and sat on me. His father sat down in his blue chair and watched us, he never really said much.

"Hi," Bert said, his voice got really high.

"I don't think I've ever seen you here before," she adjusted her glasses and looked at me.

"Well, my name is Zoe and I'm friends with Branden. I was over here maybe a year ago, you weren't home though." I petted the dog on my lap and watched the collar jingle it said Radio.

"That is true, Radio remembers you. We were probably out at the store but nice to meet you," She put out her hand and we shook.

Branden came out of the hallway putting on his jacket. "Guys ready to go?

"I'm ready," Jeph grabbed his keys and we left.

"Nice meeting you," I said to his parents before we left.

"Bye," His mother said, "Tell Quinn we say hi." I shut the door and sat in the backseat of the car, with Bert.

Jeph turned on the music, but he let it be quiet. I kept poking the back of his head.

"Why are you doing that?" He pulled his head forward.

"Cuz I fucking want to." I reached over to poke Branden. He slapped my hand.

"Don't do that. Are you trying to be an asshole?"

"Dude I'm just bored," I poked Bert's nose, he scrunched up his face and smiled at me. He poked my nose back. We were both silent and poking each others noses, I thought it was funny.

"What's going on?" Branden looked behind his seat and watched us poke each other. "Oh, I thought something else was happening, you were fucking each other or something." He turned back and talked to Jeph.

"That was yesterday." I said, still poking Bert.

"Really?" Branden asked. "You guys are fucking freaks for each other."

"Well, I like fucking. It's fucking fun." Bert laughed a little. 

My phone started vibrating in my pocket, I unlocked the screen and screamed with excitement. "Guys Placebo is going to be in town!"

"Dude, thats awesome, when?" Bert asked.

I scrolled down the screen to find tour dates. "The show is in a few weeks, Thursday, May 26th."

"You should get the tickets," Jeph said. He pulled into the parking lot.

"How many, five?" I asked.

"Yes," Jeph parked the car and we all got out, "Quinn will definitely come."

We found the desk and asked for Quinn's room number, they had changed it from where he was last night. 

When we got into the room, Quinn was eating some of the food the nurses had given him. His scratches were healed a little, his leg was still messed up and bloody.

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