Quinn Knows Best

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"Sure, this can be the day where I try new things." I said. I laughed at that, if I was still home I would of never had tried anything of this.

Bert had a little plastic bag full of weed in his hands. He opened these 2 little things that looked like paper and sprinkled the weed inside. He licked them and rolled them up. He gave one to me and the lighter we used before.

"So this is like before," he said, "light it and take drags off it, you'll be a pro soon."

I did what he told me, it didn't smell like how the cigarettes did. After a while it looked like the room was slowly moving behind Bert.

"Hey," Bert said, his words were slurred a little.

"Dude," I heard a door from the other room open.

"Are we being robbed? I don't wanna die." I cried for no apparent reason.

Bert cuddled me, "I'll protect you," he squeezed me.

"Hey guys we're back," Quinn shouted to us. I thought it was someone else.

Quinn opened the door, he had been hit by the smoke.

He saw the joints in our hands. "Come on guys, why," he took them away from us.

"Why are you guys fucking high?" He asked.

"Quinn you okay?" Branden yelled from the kitchen.

Quinn turned around, "Yeah." I heard Branden go back to putting things away.

Bert let go of me and stood up, "Why did you do that?" He asked, a little pissed off.

"Dude your high, you guys can't do that here." Quinn grabbed my hand stood me up. He grabbed Bert's hand and took us out to the living room. He sat us down on the couch.

"You guys stay right here, I'll be back in a minute." He went to put groceries away with Jeph and Branden.

"Hi," Bert kissed me, I tasted the weed and nicotine in his mouth.

He held me tight against him. I felt Bert's fingers comb through my long hair.

I heard Quinn's footsteps, "Hey, stop it." he pulled me off of Bert.

We both sat up and stared at Quinn not amused by his actions.

"What was that for Quinn?" I said.

"Why were you guys doing drugs?" He asked, he was pissed at us.

"Because we wanted to." I replied, looking behind him at Jeph putting away bags of food.

"Yeah, you should know that," Bert said.

"You guys can't be doing that here, Zoe I didn't know you got high before."

"This is my first time," I said. Mostly concentrating on what was behind him.

"Bert you got her into this? Seriously? I thought you knew better," he said, blocking me from looking behind him.

"Dude you sound like my mom," He said. He stood up, "I'm going to sleep." Quinn pushed him back in his spot to sit Bert back down.

"You guys are staying here until it wears off," he left us and brought us water. "Drink this."

We drank the water, it wasn't very cold but I felt more awake.

"Why are we getting put in time out mom?" I asked Quinn. He rolled his eyes.

I started whinning like a child.

"Shut the fuck up," He said. Quinn rolled his eyes again before leaving us on the couch.

My eyes started to feel heavy, even though it was only 4:38. I let them fall, I felt my face hit the couch before I had passed out.


"Psst, Zoe. Wake up," I heard Bert say. He rubbed my back.

I scrunched my eyes tighter, "No, I wanna sleep." I hit his hand off of me and rolled over. To sleep without facing Bert.

"C'mon it's midnight," he said.

"I want to sleep," I said. "I don't want to get up."

"Babe, I am a night owl, I'm going to be awake for awhile." He brushed his hand against my neck.

"Fine," I opened my eyes. I saw the moon glowing through the window and down onto the floor.

"Why'd you wake me up?" I asked.

"So you could actually have a nice place to sleep," He said. I could only see his face in the moonlight.

"Yeah, that's awesome man."

"I'll race you," Bert laughed and ran to his room. I followed him laughing. I collided into him in the doorway. We fell on his bed in laughter.

"Well good night, my darling," Bert kissed my forehead and fell asleep beside me.

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