Chapter 7

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"It been a week ago since the disappearance of Kim Namjoon known as RM, the leader of the global sensation Kpop group BTS. Police are still investigating his whereabouts. His family, team members and fans are praying that he will be found safe and alive."

Misha turned off her t.v. with her backpack ready to go for day. For the past week, Misha and Namjoon have been going to the park in hopes of bumping into the lady. Three days ago, Misha went around to stores and places of business near the park asking if they knew this woman with a rough sketch of lady.  However the locals didn't recognize the woman.

At the park, Misha and Namjoon sat at the bench where he was sitting on the day of the incident. Misha brought her laptop to work on some design projects.

"I can never thank you enough for helping me."said Namjoon

"Of course Joonie! Hopefully we'll make some progress today."smiled Misha

"Atleast the weather has been nice this past week."said Namjoon

"This is the most I've been outside in month. I usually just stay inside. I should start jogging again."said Misha as she was clicking away on her laptop

"I always tried to go outside as much as possible. It helps clear my mind.
Do you going for bikes rides?"asked Namjoon

"I do. I wish I had people to go bike riding with. I used to do it alot back home as a kid with my childhood best friend."explained Misha

"Maybe when I return to normal, um we could go for a bike ride...together."stammered Namjoon

"I would like that very much."smiled Misha

Misha enjoyed having Namjoon with her. She got to know the person behind the idol persona. He was just an ordinary guy who had a passion for music. It was nice having someone to talk especially during the nights when insomnia would hit. Both them had their fair share of nights where they couldn't sleep given the situation that they were in. Misha felt like she actually made a friend for the first time while being in South Korea. She never would have guess that she would befriend a famous Kpop idol.

"Let's have some lunch. I need take my medication  which I forgot to take this morning."announced Misha

Misha put away her laptop and pulled two containers of food. Before eating, Misha took her medication. Namjoon watched her pop a tablet in her mouth and swallow it down with some water. Even since staying with her, he had seen her take  her medication every morning but never really asked what it was for. He felt like it wasn't his place to ask but he was curious and concerned for his friend.

Misha noticed Joonie staring at her.

"What's wrong? Aren't you hungry"?asked Misha

"Oh I am..I just was wondering.If you don't mind me asking, what is the medication for?"asked Namjoon

"I don't know mind. I have an anixety disorder. It started getting really bad in high school. I only started getting treatment for it in my last year of college. I kinda have a hard time making friends."explained Misha

"Well I think you're doing just fine being my friend."said Namjoon

"Thank you."smiled Misha

After eating their meal, they started playing a game of catch.

"Okay Joonie, you ready for this one?"exclaimed Misha

Namjoon barked

Misha threw the ball farther than expected. Namjoon ran to retrieve the ball. While picking up the ball, someone caught his eye. A tall young Korean guy with a Newsboy brown hat and loose fitted clothing. Beside side him was a Pomeranian dog.



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