Chapter 12

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Once we got in the apartment, Minho was shocked by what was inside

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Once we got in the apartment, Minho was shocked by what was inside. He kind of expected it from seeing the outside, but he did not expect my house to be this small.

The apartment had two rooms, one for the bathroom and one for the bedroom, kitchen, dining room and living room. The house was really only good enough for one to two people to live in. Overall though, a pretty cozy house.

I hectically pulled down the blinds to the open-air balcony outside, preventing the male from seeing what was outside.

"Feel free to make yourself comfortable while I get some stuff from outside." I told him, lifting up the laundry basket and making my way out the balcony door.

Minho placed the plastic bag down on the dining table and studied the room. He saw the made bed and the clean kitchen. He also saw her refrigerator which if he stood right beside it, he would be the same height as it. His eyes trailed over the shelf beside her bed which was beside the front door and a peculiar box caught his eye. The box looked very out of place with the rest of her house, it looked expensive.

The balcony door opened and I stepped in with a large piece of cloth over the basket, hiding the delicates from the male.

I cleared my throat as his eyes did not leave me and I put the basket down beside the dining table. Thankfully, the wind was not facing in the direction of the balcony opening, otherwise the clothes hanging outside would have gotten wet.

"I checked outside, and uh... it's still pretty foggy and the rain is still going strong. I don't think it's safe for you to go driving home and I don't think it'll stop any time soon."

"I can stay here." He replied, leaning back on the sofa.

"Are you sure? Because considering how your house probably looks and your class, you probably can't stand it in here." I pointed out.

Minho stayed quiet for a moment before answering. "I don't really care."

Okay, I was not expecting that.

"Alright then." I mumbled. "Would you like anything?"

"No, thank you."

"Okay." I shortly said. "Do you wanna play a game?" I said, going over to the shelf by the bed. If he was going to stay here, we might as well not make ourselves bored the whole time.

"Aren't we a little too old for games?" He sighed.

I gasped, not facing him. "There is no such thing as 'too old for games'!" I went over the games I had. "I have UNO, Chess, Snakes & Ladders, ordinary playing cards."

"Chess sounds nice." He said.

I brought out the board and put it on the dining table, setting up the game as Minho pulled a chair out and sat on it.

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