Chapter 4

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Turned to the left, moved to the right, crossed my legs and clamped my hands together was what I was repetitively doing for the past hour

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Turned to the left, moved to the right, crossed my legs and clamped my hands together was what I was repetitively doing for the past hour. I looked up in the direction of Mr. Lee to see him calmly looking at some documents. I gulped and the feeling of the spit going down my throat was a little more rough than usual.

Uncomfortable was an understatement. I was beyond my comfort zone, and when I say beyond, I mean outside the solar system kind of beyond. I've never been in a room with my boss for so long, not to mention it was almost dead silent. Aside from the ticking clock and the squeaking of the chair when I accidentally move it, no sound was heard. Today was the first time I actually ever felt like going home. I just can't stand this suffocating atmosphere any longer. It was soon to be the death of me.

Lunch break finally came, meaning I can finally breathe some fresh, non-suffocating air and grab some food. But when I didn't stand from my seat, boss' eyes landed on me. "Are you not going to get me lunch?"

What the f—

"E-excuse me?" I asked, flustered.

"My secretary always gets me lunch. Spicy ramen, it's in the pantry cupboard." He said, without looking at me. He lifted his right hand and flicked his wrist back and forth, doing the 'shoo' motion.

Rude much.

I nodded and stood from my seat, walking to the door and shut it once I got out of the room. My lungs felt fully functional again as I let out a sigh of relief and then breathed in a lot of air. I walked to the elevator and went to the third floor, where the cafeteria is. Walking out the lift, I went to the kitchen area of the cafeteria and went to the pantry behind the kitchen. Opening the cupboard, I was faced with many different brands of spicy ramen. Stumped by the amount of selections where were to choose from, not knowing which Mr. Lee would fancy today.

"You're the new secretary, I see." The familiar voice of the cafeteria worker said from the door frame of the pantry.

"This is some good timing." I muttered to myself and faced him. "Do you perhaps know which one Mr. Lee would want today?" I asked the worker.

He leaned on the door frame and scanned the shelf. His face contorted into an expression that looked like thinking. "I remember Miss Park— Missis Seo saying the one on the far left is his go-to ramen, but he likes everything on that shelf."

With his words, I took the cup with instant noodles inside and closed the door to the cupboard. "Thank you so much!" I told the worker with a smile.

"No problem. I would help you with the cooking, but there are a lot of staff who decided to eat here. I must tend to them. My apologies, Miss Kim." He told me with a bow.

"Oh! It's no problem, instant ramen is what I'm best at cooking." I assured the worker I didn't need his help. He nodded and went back to doing his job at the counter.

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