chapter 20

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Josh's POV

I stand behind watching Cop handcuffed Sara and went into police station.


"Sir Ms. Sara Black" Adam said.

How much low this girl gone, we want to kill her when she told her evil plan but she was pregnant that time and we couldn't do this to this unborn child. James didn't want to do anything with that baby because he 99% sure that baby was not his.

It's our fault that what we did to our princess. We should have trusted her but no we abbonded and abused her. I know we all did this because of Sara but Kiara is our baby sister what we did was more wrong than her. "Family is everything and it always comes first" that's what our grandpa told us.

Our no other family members knows what we did to Kiara and when truth comes out all family members broke the relationship with us. Kiara and sara are only girls in this family and everyone loves Kiara so much, much more than they ever loved Sara.

"Adam I want all information about her, where she live? Whom she met? Is she doing any job or are in university? Her friends name and their information, everything I want till tomorrow, understood" I said

"Yes Mr Black"

Next day came quickly.

I was sitting in my cabin doing some work, There was a knock on the door

"Come in"

Adam entered.

"Sir this is the file of Sara"

I take the file in my hand and started to read.

I was shocked after reading that she abort the baby and now she are in relationship with my rival businessman Mr. De Luca. She is also addicted to alcohols and drugs. And top of that she is working as drug dealer

There are also proof that she gives money to that asshole to stole information from my company.

Oh god how can we showered our  love to that kind of girl.

Princess please forgive us

"Adam call the cops here immediately" I ordered him.

I called dad and told them everything.

"What the hell, I don't have any word to say. Are you called the police" he asked.

"Yes Dad they are on the way to come here"

"We all are coming there tomorrow"

"But Dad what about Kiara?"

"She need time josh, she can't forgive us immediately" he said.

"We have to show her that we are truly changed. We are not a same people we were in past, we have to work for earning her forgiveness" he continued.

"Dad you are right, but How?"

"Don't worry I've a plan, I'll tell you tomorrow"

"Ok Dad come soon"


"Finally this bitch, going to pay for her sin" Ken said.

"She is going to jail for twenty years because of drugs, Fraud and attempt to murder of your IT department head" our lawyer said.

"Thank you so much" Dad said and shake his hand.

We all come to our home.

"Dad now tell me what to do to earn forgiveness of our princess?" I asked him immediately

"I've information of her and her friends. Tessa her friend are working in company of my old friend I've told him to give her promotion and transfer her to New York. The offer will be so much that she can't refuse. Even if she tried then also our Kiara is not going to let refuse her. I also did same with Harry and I think that they all come here together after I'd seen there friendship, they all are very close. But we have to wait for few weeks to start this plan. After she came back then we will show her that we all are love her and truly want her with us. We will do anything to earn her forgiveness" he said.

"Dad it's amazing Idea"

"You will come home soon twinny and we will never let you go again" Ken said.

I hope bro, I hope.


Hey babes,

Sara's chapter is finally over.

What do you think will her family earn our Kiara's forgiveness?

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Until next time....

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