Chapter 5

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Kiara's POV

Dear Sir and ma'am,

If you are reading this letter means I have gone away from you. I know by reading this you will be happy that I gone away from your life and I wish I had take this descion early.

I can't take anymore your abused. I'm completely drained physically and mentally. Family means love but I never got your. I don't know what I have done that you hate me this much. I attempted suicide but it fails and I promised my friends that I will never give up on my life. I know you all want me dead but sorry I couldn't do this. You all promised me that you will protect me from world but I need protection from you all. You all are monsters and I never forgive you guys.

Anyway you don't need me. You have perfect family. I want to start my new life away from you monsters. So please don't try to find me anyway I know that you could care less about me. If my friends asked about me please tell them don't worry about me I love them all and contact them when I'm ready. I feel pity for the child of Sara and James, he or she got they as a parents but I pray for him/ her. I hope you all rott in hell.


Your maid,

I write this letter tears gathered in my eyes but I promise myself that I will never cry for them.  I see that it is 5 in the morning and josh will wake up soon so I pick up my bags and took all my savings and open the door of their mansion. That's it, now I'm free from this hell.

I didn't know What will happen to me? How will I survive in this world alone? But I know whatever happen I will never go back to them.

I loved them but they didn't care. I did everything for them, but never demanded anything. I didn't want any luxary, I just wanted that they should treat me normally just like any human being should be treated. I just wanted there small affection, is it too much to ask?

I started walking where road was going, it is five in the morning so there was not many people on road. After walking for approximately one hour I'm here in front Of airport. I was thinking that I will start my new life in London away from this horrible people. I booked economic class ticket and after some time I enters in plane. After a boring flight finally my plane landed.

This is it. From now on I will start my new life.....

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