Chapter 4

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The drive to my parents place is quiet. Harry is drunk so there's only one way this will end.

I haven't had a chance to speak to him because he's been drunk all the time and passed out by the time I get back to the house.

My compulsions have become worse and I need Harry to keep me grounded at the dinner but I think I'm on my own with the way he's been acting lately.

Immediately we're out of the car,he stands by my side and entwines our fingers. We walk into the house without a word.

"Zayn, Harry, how have you been darlings?" My mom comes up to the both of us and shakes our hands.

Yeah that's Trisha Malik, she's a cold woman. I've never seen her cry and I don't even remember the last time she hugged me. She's specifically cold to me especially after I refused to model for her amusement.

Both Harry and I grew up in front of cameras. We were paraded like show ponies for most of our lives. Our pictures were in every magazine until our addictions got worse and we started distancing ourselves from everyone and we decided to get our own place.

Harry scoffs but shakes her hand. I don't know what the fuck his problem is but he better behave himself.

Our parents can't suspect our relationship.

"Quite alright mother. How are you?" I reply for the both of us because this dickhead just keeps on staring at her.

"I'm all good," she says, waving her hand to welcome us into the house.

My father comes in with Des, Harry's dad and Harry let's go of my hand to go hug his dad. Atleast he's smiling now, I think to myself as a smile instantly appears on my face.

"Zaynie is so whipped," Waliyha states the minute she enters the room.

I groan, covering my face with my hands."No I'm not, " I mutter more to myself than to her. The silly smile still stuck onto my face.

Harry turns and winks at me and I hate myself for blushing because they all laugh at me.

"The smile you had on your face as you watched Harry begs to differ," she counters and pulls me in for a hug.

" I missed you big bro, I haven't seen you in two months. What did we do wrong?" She asks, her voice cracking while she clings on to me.

"I've just been busy love, I promise you didn't do anything wrong. It's all my fault. I'm sorry I'll try to make more of an effort" I say, letting her go.

" You better," my dad says, giving me a brief hug." I missed you son."

"I missed you too dad, Hi uncle Des," I tell him as he gives me hug.

"Hey son in-law,you and my son are practically married already with way you keep to yourselves just make it official." He says and I furiously blush, hoping no one heard.

"Don, Safaa," I nod in their direction and they just wave in return.

I used to be close to my older sister but she became cold just like our mom .

With Safaa, let's just say I've never been close to her. I had already distanced myself from my family when she was able to understand the world around her.

"Okay let's get dinner started," My mom announces and we all head to the table.


The waiter is so pretty and I've seen her eyeing me in the five minutes that we've been at the table.

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