Chapter 10

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-Harry,8and Zayn,7

"Harry?" Zayn shouted, barging through the main door. He practically lives at Harry's place.

His mom didn't care if he had gone out and his dad had gone to some business meeting with Harry's dad, leaving Harry with his nanny.

He found Harry seated on the floor of his bedroom. The huge bed,  spread with yellow silk sheets. Yellow had been his color from the time they painted the car, and green was Zayn's favorite.

Harry's head was buried in between his knees and his whole body was shaking and he was sobbing hard. His breath hitching with every heartbroken sob he released.

"What's wrong Hazzy?" Zayn asked softly as he approached his best friend.

His chest hurt to see his Harry like that. He never like to see Harry cry because it always felt like someone was squeezing his heart, making it bleed.

He sat down beside Harry and Harry immediately launched himself into Zayn's arms, hiding his face into Zayn's neck.

His curls were getting in Zayn's face but Zayn just hugged him closer, pulling him into his lap so his legs were intertwined behind Zayn's back.

"Tell me what happened," Zayn asked, stroking Harry's hair. His voice was full of pain. This caused Harry to cry harder and hug Zayn tighter,his tears soaking through Zayn's T-shirt.

"Shh, I'm here now,you can talk to me." He whispered soothingly into Harry's ear, kissing the boy's hair.

"The....n-n-nanny....s-said....-you....d-don'," he managed to say, hiccuping between each sob,"She said none of you love me,T-that's why I don't have a...a...m-m-mommy like you." His voice cracking by the end of the sentence as more heartbroken sobs escaped.

Zayn was beyond furious but he'll deal with the nanny after his bestfriend stops crying.

He stood with Harry's legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck and climbed into the bed.

Harry was now lying on top of Zayn with his head against Zayn's chest as he continued crying his heart out.

He never understood why his mother left him but he hated her for leaving him behind.

He just wanted to see Zayn,he doesn't know why his nanny was refusing to take him there.

She told him no one loves him and that's why he was living alone in the big house and it's the reason why his mother left. She then left him crying and went to watch TV.

"I love you Haz. More than I love myself. You know that right? You're special to me and everyone around you. We all love you because you make everything brighter or maybe that's just me,"Zayn said chuckling at the end.

" I'll never leave you,and your mom doesn't know what she's missing out on because you're awesome. You're the nicest person I've ever met and the prettiest of them all did you know that? In my opinion it'll always be you above everyone else"

He lifted the boy's teary face and kissed his nose." You're my person."

" You mean all that?" Harry asked in a broken whisper. Looking into Zayns eyes with his green eyes which where coated with a sheen of tears, making them appear brighter.

"I do Harry,you make my world better." He bent down, kissing both of Harry's reddened cheeks.

"Sleep for a while,I'll be right here. I'll always be right here."

He could see,that Harry was already dozing. He started running his fingers through the brown curls, making Harry push his head into his hands, a whimper of satisfaction escaping his lips as he snuggled into Zayn's chest.

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