Chapter 8

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"Zayn,hi," Gemma rushed up and plopped into the sit next to him in the booth.

He has been ignoring her for the past two weeks and doesn't seem interested in having a conversation with her.

"Hi Gemma, what are you looking for?" He asked her because honestly she had no business talking to him. Just because she knew their secrets doesn't mean they were suddenly supposed to be friends.

"I just want to know what's going on with you. You look like shit and I haven't been seeing you around Harry that much,are you both okay?" He was taken aback by the genuine concern in her voice. Why couldn't she just ignore him like everyone else?"Zayn, I'm worried are you alright?"

He almost broke down the minute Gemma asked about his wellbeing.its been so long since someone asked if he's alright.

He thought his parents would atleast care and ask what the problem was  when their 16 year old decided he wanted to live with his 17 year old "boyfriend"  but they didn't question it. Instead, they just dropped house keys the following day and didn't even ask when he's moving out.

He moved out the following day and  received a call from his father a week later telling him to atleast and a call from his mom's assistant asking if he was interested in modeling for Gucci alongside saafa but he had refused, making that the last call he got from her in years.

The only time he had agreed to model was alongside Harry and only for their clothing brand which was in partnership with Gucci.

HS had a wide range of clothes and shoes which meant Zayn and Harry had to be loyal to the brands, them wearing other brands was considered almost a crime. Zayn had once bought Adidas sweatpants when he was 13 and the media had a field day reporting that there must have been a fallout between his family and the Styles.

They made up stories that made the sales go down until the Malik's PR hinted at a possible relationship between the two and that immediately diverted media attention. I think that was what planted the idea of a fake relationship in the first place.

"Zayn are you okay? Really,please tell me what's going on. I already know everything so I bet you dumping whatever it is that you're going through won't hurt," she said taking a sip of her coffee.

" I don't know,"he voiced in an almost inaudible whisper. He wanted to cry and Gemma saw this so she took his hand and led him out of the coffee place, leaving their coffees behind.

"Let's get you home alright?" Zayn just nodded as they went into the car. Dean had been waiting for him outside already.

The car ride was quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. The car parked outside the gate and they both went in. Walking quietly down the long driveway.

Zayn opened the door to the house and Harry immediately rushed to see him with a glass of alcohol in one hand. He had missed Zayn and he wanted to apologize, however, his expression changed when he saw Gemma.

"What the fuck is she doing here? First you go out without telling me and then you bring her here." He looked furious.

Gemma who was scared because she had never seen this side of him decided to hide behind Zayn. He was reminding her of her stepdad. She was scared that he would hit her because the blows were what came next after this.

"So you want to fuck her now or what? Why do you have to fuck everything that moves while leaving me to always wait for you Zayn?"This is the argument they've been having from last week Monday when Harry told Zayn he wanted something real and Zayn turned him down. He had been drinking a lot and picking fight everytime.

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