Chapter 6

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Both Harry and Zayn freeze when the door opened while Gemma just stands there trying to figure out what's happening.

"D-Don? Uhmm... are you d-doing here? Harry stutters.

He's relieved that he is sober at the moment and that's only because Gemma told him he could only drink after breakfast.

This is the first time any of their family members have visited them. The two always made diversions when someone wanted to come over.

"Hello to you too Harry, Hi Zayn and who are you?" She asked Gemma skeptically.

"Zayn, Harry did you..." She looks between us then gasps," that's so disgusting."

Gemma and Harry didn't catch on to what she meant but Zayn got it immediately.

Zayn blushed at the thought of what Don was suggesting. He immediately started imagining Harry fucking him while Gemma sucked his dick.

He accidentally moaned out loud, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he imagines fucking Harry's mouth.

They all simultaneously turn their heads to him.

"Zayn are you okay? You zoned out for a minute and why are you moaning?" Doniya asked snapping him out of it.

Harry looks on, worried because Zayn had started having the fantasies again where he'd get lost in his head, creating sex scenarios. He would even cum from these.

This only happened when the addiction got bad

"I-I-... I don't know what happened last night," Zayn says, shrugging as he averts his eyes from everyone. He feels so embarrassed.

His sister is here and he's having sexual scenarios in his head.

Doniya looks at him sympathetically and turns to Gemma, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows.

"Uh actually I'm here because I helped Zayn out yesterday and I followed them here to make sure they were both okay."

" Couldn't you have just asked them to call you?"

" I said the same-"Harry starts,

" Shut up Harold,I'm wasn't talking to you,"she snaps and turns to Gemma who's laughing at Harry.

Zayn just stands there freaking out because he knows Doniya is here to talk and he's so embarrassed over the matter. Why can't he just be normal like everyone else plus he now has a bit of a problem down there.

Harry notices this and signals for him to go upstairs and take care of himself but he's too ashamed of himself and doesn't want to jerk off with his older sister downstairs.

He starts to shake and breaks into a cold sweat because he needs a release so bad.

While Doniya gives Gemma a stare down, Harry grabs his bestfriends hand and leads him to his room.

The girls turn around and watch them disappear upstairs. Doniya is about to follow but Gemma shakes her head.

"Give them some space will you?"


"Come down when you're finished okay? I'll make up an excuse for you, " he says.

" Don't feel guilty babe,you know can't help it. It's not your fault." He whispers, his thumb rubbing Zayn's cheek softly as he stares into his eyes.

He leaves, making sure to shut the bedroom door before heading back to everyone else.

"Where's Zayn?"

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