chapter 24

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"Happy birthday Zayn!" The girls jumped on him.

He huffed and pulled the blanket back over his head, not in the mood to deal with people after he had stayed up till midnight, waiting for Harry to wish him like he did every year.

"Zayn, wake up. Safaa and I made you a cake." Gemma nudged him.

"You can eat it." He mumbled, wanting them to leave him alone.

"Sorry." Safaa whispered.

He heard the door close and he finally let the tears out.

Gemma gently pulled the blanket back. "Baby, Safaa wanted to make a cake for you, try it atleast. For her. It's okay if you don't want to celebrate your birthday but this is the first time she's around for your birthday. Don't break her heart."

"I want Harry." He wiped his tears. "Why won't you let me talk to him?" He asked, looking up at Gemma with tears in his eyes.

"This whole therapy thing is also about trying to break the codependency between the two of you, it's already been two months, just wait a little more and Harry will be back. He wouldn't want you sad on your birthday." She rubbed his cheek, feeling sorry for him. He had been slowly building his own confidence without Harry around and she was worried that this might set them back.

"Do you think he misses me?" He asked, fluttering his wet lashes over his cheek, his lip slightly jutting out in a pout he didn't even realize he was making.

"You know he does. Harry loves you, this is just as hard on him as it is on you." Gemma explained, pushing his messy hair out of his face.

He buried his head in her lap, closing his eyes when he felt the tears come again. "He didn't care enough when he left without waking me up to atleast see him one last time."

"Both you and I know he wouldn't have made it out of the door if you had been awake. "

Zayn knew. He knew Harry would have turned right around and stayed with him if he had been awake and maybe that's why he wishes Harry would have faced him to say goodbye.

"Go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up."

Zayn scoffed, Harry had lied. He had held Zayn in his arms and whispered lies into his ear the whole night.

He sat up and quickly blinked the tears away. "I'll take a shower then come down for the cake, I want to visit Miss Turner after this."

Gemma understood. She ruffled his hair and left his bedroom to tell Safaa he agreed to eat her cake.

" Thanks for the cake guys, it means a lot to me." He smiled warmly at Safaa. " I love you so much,Saf and I'm trying to be a better brother,thanks for being patient with me."

She hugged him tight, to hide her tears. "I couldn't have asked for a better brother. I love you too."

He kissed the top of her head and moved her away, already getting uncomfortable with the hug. " I'll be on my way out. You two have fun,yeah?"

" We will, we're going to use your birthday as an excuse to eat as much junk as we want." Gemma shrugged and pulled Safaa into the kitchen, leaving Zayn standing alone.

" Today must be hard on you." Miss Turner offered him a knowing smile.

"No shit Sherlock." He fell into his chair and glared at her.


"How are you doing on this fine day Miss Turner?" He asked, giving her a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Doing better than you,clearly." She motioned towards all of him,her eyebrow arched in disdain.

He rolled his eyes at her, chuckling a little at her attitude.

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