Chapter 13

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"Why is mom calling?" Zayn asked, frowning at his phone.

Safaa would have fallen off the bed after hearing that their mom was calling had it not been up to Gemma's quick reflexes. The four of them had been playing video games in Zayn's room

"Oh no,she probably found out that I ran away. She's going to be so upset with you two. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have run away. Let me talk to her and explain,that way she will be angry with me instead." She rambled, panic setting in.

" Calm down Safaa,let Zayn handle it okay?"Harry said, pulling her into a hug to calm her down. " It's alright, just breathe sweetheart."

" We're with you." Gemma added.

"okay I'm about to answer,"Zayn said nervously,his heart beating out of his chest. A call from his mom was never a good thing. He clicked to answer and placed the phone against his ear before he could back out.

"If your boyfriend is around, put your phone on loudspeaker please."
Trisha calmly stated at the end of the line. She was always a calm woman but the edge in her voice was scaring Zayn.

She never did anything to scold her children and neither did she have the time to punish them. She handled everything as if she were discussing a business proposal.

Zayn put the phone on loudspeaker and they all leaned in,eager to know why Trisha would call and want to talk.

"Why do you two keep dragging our family's names through the mud like this?" She questioned,making Zayn and Harry frown at each other as if to ask "what is she talking about?"

They hadn't been spotted in over a year,they always made sure to keep away from the spotlight. The last time they made the headlines was when someone spotted them at a business meeting they had with their parents. The fans had noticed Harry wearing a Rose ring that Zayn had gifted him and claimed the two were engaged.

The life of scrutiny sucked.

"You haven't seen the news have you? Check it out then call me back. We need to find a way to solve the problem and if the girl is there too, make sure she's on the call."

Before any of them could reply,Trisha had already cut the call.

"Gemma can you check the news she's talking about? Zayn and I are not on social media." Harry said, sighing in wonder of what it could be now.


Safaa was already online, the fact that #zarry was trending as number 1 on all social media platforms would have been okay,this was always what happened whenever the couple was spotted after all but after her mom's call,she knew this was not good.

She read the headline and shakily handed the phone to her brother and brother in-law, who's eyes almost shot out of their sockets.

Are Zarry in an open relationship or is our favorite couple facing relationship problems?

Ladies, gentlemen and our non-binary pals, we've been blessed with new pics of our favorite couple after a whole year of us suffering for news about them.

The couple was spotted at a food truck.

They were seen with our beautiful model Safaa Malik who seemed to be getting cozy with her brother future in-law, Harry Styles,heir to the biggest clothing brand.

The pictures of Harry feeding the little girl while his boyfriend looks on, jealously is something we didn't know we needed and yes, we're fangirling over the two playing parent to Safaa.

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