Chapter 23

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"Hi." Zayn shyly waved at the lady,his nerves acting up. "Miss Turner?"

"Yes Zayn. Take a seat. It's nice to meet you." She opened her notepad and scribbled something down. Zayn mentally rolled his eyes. He was just coming in through the door and she was already writing something. Great.

Doniya had really thought she did something by giving him an older therapist. Miss Turner looked like she was in her late 40s but she was still looking very young and beautiful with blue-grey eyes and black shoulder length curly hair that framed her face. A pair of dark framed glasses were perched on her nose and she had these pouty lips that made her look like she was upset over something.

"Shall we start?" She pulled him out of his scrutiny, staring at him directly in the eyes. He cowered back in his seat when he was met with her sharp gaze. "Tell me about yourself Zayn. Why are you here?"

"You k-know why I'm here." He stuttered, avoiding eye contact.

"Again,why are you here Zayn?"

He sighed when he realized she wasn't going to stop until he answered. "I'm here because I want to get better for the sake of my boyfriend. I want to give him a healthy relationship because God knows Harry deserves it after all the shit I've put him through." He said, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Can you tell me about Harry?"

"He's my bestfriend. We've been bestfriends from the time we were kids. Harry makes me happy, he's like my own personal brand of serotonin. He's perfect." He chuckled.

"We love each other that's just the way it is. He's my person. He just gets me,he lets me be me. We haven't had the greatest relationship with ourselves so far but we've always had each other even when everyone wasn't there for us. I've actually never been away from him, I promised him forever and I'll give it to him because he's my universe." Zayn smiled to himself, lightly tracing Harry's name on the couch.

"How old where you when you met him?" She asked, pushing her glasses up her nose.

"I was four. We met at a business function that his dad, Uncle Des, hosted. I vowed to protect him then because he became the most important person in my life the moment he patted the space next to him on the swing so we could sit together."

"You two have been together since you were 16 right?"

" Just a few days actually. We only started dating a few days ago, we were never really exclusive even though we knew we belong together."

" Why weren't you together?" She asked,not wanting to over pry and scare him off by asking about why the tabloids said something else.

" I didn't want to get in a relationship with him because I was scared of cheating on him. Being in a relationship with a fucked up person like me would ruin him even more than being around me has." Zayn shrugged.

" Why are you in a relationship with him now? What changed?" She peered at him curiously.

Zayn pulled at the cotton on his ripped jeans. "He's waited for me forever. I've hurt him more in the times that I rejected him. He didn't deserve any of that." He continued. "What if he fell in love with someone else someday and left me? I can't handle seeing him fall in love with someone else. It would wreck me to watch him move on from me because he's tired of me not wanting to give him a proper relationship. I once told him I would give him my last name when we were kids and I want that but first I have to work on myself."

" You don't mind that we're only talking about Harry?" He asked, frowning.

" Why would I mind?" She raised her eyebrow in confusion. "You seem to love talking about him. Mentions of him makes you feel safe and that's all I want for you."

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