Chapter fourteen

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Assalamu Alaikum people!!! Eid Mubarak!♥️ May Allah accept all your good deeds insha'Allah♥️

Before we start, I want you all to take a minute to pray for Palestine🇵🇸
May Allah SWT ease all their affairs. Ameen.

Here is the eid update! Enjoy, vote and comment!

"That is very bold for someone who was just crying self consciously." Haitham said, smiling against my lips.

"Fine then, it won't happen again." I pulled away, hugging the comforter as I shuddered.

"No please..." he trailed, chuckling. "Do you think she will be fine? He asked, looking over at Lina's crib.

"Insha'Allah she will, mama assured me that she will be getting sick. A lot." I chuckled trying to break the somber cloud that enveloped us.

"We have got a lot to learn." He said, bringing his hand to his hair and tugging at it. He seemed anxious and stressed.

I am not the easiest to live with, I knew that, but this must have taken a toll on him as much as it did on me, I was just too self centered to notice that what had happened was not easy on him.

"Hand me over the pump, will you?" I thought that I would pump now that Lilo was taking her nap. I was quite regular with pumping, not every three hours like the Doctor said but definitely more than 3 times a day. I had gotten used to it's sensation, but my nipples were always sore. Always.

"Thank you." I took it from him. "Now please go." I shooed him away so I could have some privacy.

"Why? It is nothing I haven't seen before." He questioned raising his eyebrows.

"Well that is when I am too sleepy or too tired to care. Now shoo." I motioned for him to get out.

"Fine!" He huffed and got out closing the door behind him.

I settled my head on the headboard beginning my 10 minutes routine, the pump was held in place by this black stretch-y strapless bra and it made the process a little easier. Halfway through pumping, I started hearing a slight sloshing sound. It was weird, I looked down and I saw a tiny bit of milk in the bottle. Milk! My milk has come.

"Haitham!" I shouted his name. I wanted to share this with him. He asked me every day how it was going but I never had anything to tell till now.

"What is going on?" He asked, barging in without knocking.

"There is milk!" I told him excitedly, pointing to the little bit of milk in the bottle.

"That is great habibti!" He came closer looking happily at me. "When she wakes up she will have her milk fresh from the source, no more SNS." He chuckled.

"Insha'Allah." I was pretty happy, I felt satisfied that I would be able to provide her with the nutrition she needed.

As if sensing our excitement, Lilo started releasing little cries that indicated it was time for food. Haitham took her from her crib, checking if she still had a fever, she didn't Elhamdolillah. I unzipped the black thing that held the pump and I placed her on me, and she latched instantly, for the first time without the tube. I was the one feeding her and I was at awe.

"You are feeding her." Haitham remarked as if he was reading my mind.

"I am feeding her." I repeated getting choked up. I knew that there was milk because it felt different from all the other times. Something was coming out of me.

"Isn't it amazing? What your body is doing.. like sure you took medication but this is awesome subhan Allah." He said coming closer and placing his arm around me, making me lay my head on his shoulder.

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