Chapter 13 - Good Advice

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(Apologies for not uploading a chapter for a few days^^ I usually try to update daily, but I've been super busy and stressed out with school Σ(-᷅_-᷄) )

《Your POV》

After everything that had happened that morning, the air was very tense and awkward. Though Scaramouche seemed to be keeping his cool while teaching you how to use a sword, you could tell he noticed the awkward tension between you two as well.

"Got it?" He confirmed, hoping you'd remember the tips he just told you.

You gave him an affirmative head nod, doing exactly as he said. You had to admit, the sword was heavier than you thought. But slowly, you were getting the hang of it.

Scaramouche walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around you to grip the sword, "You're gripping it wrong. Do it like this." He placed his hands on top of yours, teaching you the correct gripping technique.

Your heart nearly beat out of your chest, and you could feel your face burning. If he had never kissed you, you wouldn't have reacted like this, so what was so different now?

He simply chuckled, "Embarrassed, are we?"

You quickly broke free of his grasp, nearly dropping the sword, "Uhm- I-I'll be back," you ran away in a panic.

Scaramouche just watched you, speechless.


What was wrong with you? You never would've reacted like that if it weren't for that stupid kiss. Maybe he was just toying with you. There's no way somebody as cool as him would go for you, surely. At least, that's what you thought.

You sighed, putting the sword down next to you, the reflection of the creek shining on the blade. It was quite a beautiful sword, beautiful just like your mother. Before your mother passed away, she gave you this sword. You never learned to use it, simply because this sword was the reason for her death. It was a gift from her dad, and because of that, your mother wanted to be skilled in combat. She stopped at nothing to become the greatest knight of all time.

Eventually, that love for fighting came to an end when she was killed by a Fatui's hands. Hence your overwhelming hate for all Fatui. You had yet to meet a Fatui who was genuinely nice, you didn't think they even existed. After all, the Fatui was an evil organization. The tactics they used were unforgivable. Heck, you'd probably be able to spot a Fatui from a mile away, so you thought.

Snapping out of your daydream, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned to see Scaramouche taking a seat next to you by the small creek. This caused you to look away out of embarrassment.

He sighed, "Should we talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about?" You replied, obviously nervous. Your voice was a bit shaky. You couldn't tell whether it was from thinking about your late mother or because of Scaramouche.

As you looked at him, you examined his features. You never really got a good look at his face. Was he always that pretty? Why were you just now thinking of him that way? One thing was for sure, you thought he had the most beautiful eyes you've ever seen. They were a mix of blue and lavender, almost exactly like your mother's. Looking at him made you think of her somehow. Maybe that's why you felt safe around him.

Scaramouche gazed off into the distance. He seemed a bit fidgety, which was very out of character for him. He was always very stern and professional, "I've uh, never done this before."

"Me either.." you added.

Great, you thought. Neither of you had any idea what was going on between the two of you.  You both had zero experience when it came to romance.

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