chapter five - ice

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lyndon williams

tuesday, june 19th

Guy and I walked to the ice rink. I was beyond nervous. My first practice, how Guy would react to seeing Connie, and how the team would react. Then my phone started buzzing like a beehive.

Who was gunna tell us abt con and guy breaking up?

the velvet hammer and the guyster break up? trouble in paradise??

shut up averman

shut up averman

shut up averman

this is something we shouldn't be talking about right now. we have our first practice today

he's right. we got this today!!


After the little talk in the group chat I realized I hadn't checked my messages in a couple days. The only time I did was if it was my parents, Dylan or Sierra. Which made sense, I always have my notifications off cause I hate spams. My messages were blown up. Everyone was asking about the Junior Goodwill Games, or how was I playing hockey, and why I was. That wasn't my focus right now though.

Guy and I arrived and the rink and I met with Julie and Connie. Julie had calmed her down from earlier and everyone was chill. Once we got into the locker rooms they had to show me how to put all the gear on and the jersey. After taking a couple of pictures we headed out. Giggling over some thing Connie said.

We were the first people out which was surprising. Considering how long we took. The girls decided to teach me how to skate.

"Step, glide, step, glide," Connie repeated as she let go of my hand "see you're getting it!"

I skated by myself to the goal post where Julie showed me her moves and what can help me when I do it. I put the gear on. I couldn't see but I could feel the presence of the boys watching me do this. Connie started shooting the pucks at me. 5 in total

Caught. Caught. Caught. Caught. Finally, caught.

I was thrilled, everyone started cheering since they knew I was new to it. This was definitely better than anything I had ever experienced. Sierra and Dylan would be proud.

We started practice with some basic skills. Julie, Goldberg and I worked on puck blocking and technique. Julie did amazing, I would say I did too, watching Goldberg just made me laugh. After that we decided to scrimmage.

"Williams, Banks, Mendoza, Averman, Reed, Wu and Germaine against, Gaffney, Portman, Hall, Moreau, Conway, and Robertson." Bombay yelled.

I knew this wasn't going to end well. Luis and Guy on the same team. Versus Connie.

"Loser has killers!" Coach yelled!

I would say the team worked pretty well. I blocked the puck a couple times only to be scored on by Jesse. Adam scored 2 and Guy scored 1. Luis knocked over Guy a couple times and those couple of times Guy looked like he wanted to kill him. He calmed himself down which was great. It was also extremely funny watching Luis fall into the boards every now and then.

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