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𝗔𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗺𝘂 𝘅 𝗧𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗼


"Tobio-kun~" Atsumu called out for his boyfriend while drying off his sweat with a white towel.

"Yes?" Kageyama responded, uninterested. He was looking through his black bag for a hoodie. Atsumu took noticed before rushing to get his white hoodie from his bag.

"Here, take it. I'll wear Osumu's extra T-shirt" He offered the younger his hoodie. The other looked at it for a while before slipping it on his delicate body.

"Thank you Atsumu-san"

The two teams were just done practicing and everyone is now getting change to leave. Atsumu and Tobio are now on their way to a small bakery near Tobio's house.


"Hello~ can we please have two strawberry cheesecakes," The blond said, giving a smile toward the old lady who's sitting at the counter.

"Sure sweetheart," She said, returning his gestures.

"Here you go," The grandma said, handing them the bag. As the older was about to pay, Kageyama stopped him.

"I can pay Atsumu-San" The other objected and paid for the cakes before dragging his boyfriend who's trying to hand the old lady his card out of the shop.

What a cute pair

The old grandma thought before standing up to clean up and close the shop.

At Tobio's house

As soon as they got home, Atsumu quickly flopped onto the soft sofa, making himself at home. He waited for Tobio to put the cakes on the kitchen counter before petting his lap, indicating the place where Tobio should sit.

The black-haired male blushed before shaking his head a little.

"We-we need to eat the cakes" He stuttered out of shyness.

Atsumu chuckled but stand up anyways. He pulled Tobio closer by his waist as they head toward the counter. They opened up the packaging and put it on small plates.

"Open up Tobio-kun~," Atsumu said, wiggling the spoon like an airplane.

Tobio opened up his mouth, his eyes flutter closed waiting closely for the textures but nothing came. He opened his eyes to see Atsumu munching down half the cake.

"Atsumu-San!" He yelped before using his mouth to eat the cake from the older spoon.

Atsumu let out a laugh before muttering s quick apology and feed his boyfriend while he pouted cutely.

They both ate until there was nothing left.

"I'm so full Tobio-kun~" He said, searching for the blanket.

"Stop whining and go to sleep" Kags mumbled, nuzzling himself into Atusmu chest.

"I'll do what my little puppy say~"

"Mhmm shut up"



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