ch5 la dame de fer

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"you know..." chat noir starts as he helps y/n finish off her braids. "i don't think i've ever took you to the eiffle tower before, my belle," he passes y/n the braid, he was working on, making y/n smile. 

"you did good," she says, getting up from the chair. "do we need to go there? i'm i know the view is amazing at night but is there a point?"

"of course there is," chat noir says. he points to himself. "your favourite cat is coming," he smirks. y/n chuckles. 

"catra, from shera princess of power, is coming?" y/n says, tapping her chin. "now, i definitely wanna go," 

"hfdsa-what? no!" he pouts. "i thought i was your favourite cat,"

"one of my favourites," y/n says, smirking at him. "but i would love for you to take me to the eiffle tower. lemme just wear a hoodie and tie my braids up,"

"okay, princess,"

"princess?" y/n asks as she reaches for a black hoodie. "what's with all these nicknames?"

"just trying to find the perfect one for you," chat noir says as he faces the balcony. 

"you can't use m'lady?" y/n asks as she puts the hoodie on her properly. she walks up to him to stand by his side. chat noir groans.

"it's way too overused," he says as they walk onto the balcony. "it's basically my catchphrase. i need a special name for you; that only i can call you,"

"ooh~" y/n laughs. "dunno, though. m'lady is a good name but it's true, that it's overused. you can call me whatever you want, chat,"

"i'll hold you to that princess," he picks y/n up, bridal style. "lets go,"

"right now?" y/n asks, bringing her arms to his neck. 

"right now," he smirks. "hold on,"

"i am-oh shit!"


he puts y/n safely on the highest floor of the eiffel tower, giving her a full view of the city. she stumbles a bit; her legs feeling numb.

"you okay?" chat noir asks, reaching out for her. y/n takes his hand to steady herself.

"yeah yeah i'm fine," she gulps. "thanks chat,"

"well..." he says, pulling her to see the view. y/n eyes go wide. she is never been in the eiffel tower before in all the time she's lived in paris.

"it's beautiful," she breaths out.

"yeah...beautiful," chat noir sighs. what y/n doesn't know was that chat noir is looking at her, not the view of paris. looking how her skin shimmers in the light of the moon, her eyes shine like jewels, her braids waving in the wind.

"i need so many fucking pictures of this," she says, taking out her phone from her hoodie. she takes pictures portrait, landscape. she even tales some funny selfies with chat noir as well. "what alya wouldn't give to have these..." she smiles, scrolling through them.

"you can show it to her, if you want," chat noir shrugs.

"you sure, chat noir?" y/n asks. "wouldn't ladybug be angry or something?"

"no," chat says. "she knows how stupid i can get," he smiles.

"dunno how stupid is a good thing but you do you, chat noir," y/n laughs. chat noir mumbles, not being able to hear him. "you okay?"

"you don't have to call me chat noir, you know," he says, looking at her. "you can call me something else,"

"oh?" y/n says, looking at him. "and what should i call you?"

"the love of your life," chat noir smirks, making y/n laugh.

"imma just call you chat or kitty," y/n says, shaking her head. "i think the love of your life is too-what's the word-weird. i barely know you, kitty,"

"but don't you think it's fate?"

"it could be..." y/n says. "it could be,"

the two continue to joke around with each other oblivious to the dark coloured butterfly watching them. watching their every movement.

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