Imagine #54 (Request Ponyboy)

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This is for @imma_shy_butterfly thank you so much for the request, I hope you enjoy it!!

     I was lying across my boyfriends bed waiting for him to get home from the movies. I wish he would have let me known he was going, I would have went along with him, I only found out from his brothers that he went when I showed up at their house. 

  About 15 minutes later it started to rain, I hoped Pony had gotten out of the theaters and was close to home so he wouldn't get entirely soaked. Another 10 minutes had gone by when I hear the front door open and shut quickly, I rush out to the front hoping it was Pony. And there he stands, my boyfriend, soaking wet from the rain. I rush over to him, "Hey you ok, I was worried about you ya know!"  He chuckles a little, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a little wet. Let me go change and I'll be right back out" He smiles and walks back to his room to change out of his wet clothes and put on dry clothes. 

   While I was waiting for him I decided to turn on some TV and scroll through the channels. I hear Pony come out of his room, "Y/N?" He softly asks. "Yeah baby?" He somewhat wraps his arms around himself like he's too nervous to ask me something. "C-can we cuddle please?"  I smile softly, "Of course we can honey."

  After awhile we both fall asleep, while half asleep half awake I hear Sodapop softly say, "Look at those two lovebirds, adorable aren't they?" After that all I hear is Darry hum in response. I can't help but smile knowing that Pony is the reason I'm happy most of the time. <3

(I tried my best, I hope you liked it. I hope this is what you wanted!! Well, I love yall and I'll see you in the next one! Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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