Imagine #30 (Two-Bit(Keith)Matthews)

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Imagine: Your boyfriend, Two-Bit, had gotten hurt protecting you from the Socs. Now he is in the hospital, the rest of gang has been in and out. You have been crying, he has been out for three days!  One of the main things Two loved about you was your voice, 

"Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me,

Starlight and dewdrops are awaiting thee.

Sounds of the rude world 

Heard in the day,

Led by the moonlight

have all passed away."

The last verse he sang along, "My favorite song you like to sing." he says. You look up, "Two! You're okay!" you kiss him and hug him. You crawled in bed with him and you both fall asleep.

(A/N: Btw the verses I put down are obviously not the whole song. But I hope you like this one. Luv ya! Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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