Imagine #44 (Two-Bit (Kieth) Matthews)

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Imagine:  Being a Curtis sister, you couldn't do much, but you were dating Two-Bit. No one knows. It was the week of the county fair, you went with Pony, Soda, and Darry yesterday. Today you were going with Two, as far as you knew your brothers weren't going. When you opened the door Darry heard it and caught you in action, "Where do you think you're going?" You stopped and tried to think up and excuse, "Ummmmmmm, me and Taylor are going to the fair." You were shaking and Darry could tell, "Whose this Taylor?" he asked. He should know Taylor, she is our cousin. "Taylor, our cousin?!" He let out a sigh, "Ohhhhhh, Taylor! You have fun then! And remember the curfew." You smile, "Thanks Darry!" You rush out the door and run down the block, you see Two's car and jump in, "Darry let you come?!" "Yeah, I told him that you were my cousin!" and you let out a laugh. You guys had and amazing day, you played games and rode rides. Two even won you a giant stuffed Penguin🐧!  When Two drops you off you walk into the house and you now realize that your brothers know that Two is you boyfriend.  Soda asks, "Whey didn't you tell us sooner?" You gulp, "Because I didn't want you to be mad at me." Darry looks at you, "Dating Two is fine, we just wanted to know!" You run over and hug them, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Pony smiles, "Next time let us know."

(A/N: Hey guys hope you had a great day today and I hope you like my imagine. It is again a mix between a imagine and a sister one! If you can't see the emoji it was a penguin! OwO                          Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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