Imagine #53 (Request Sodapop)

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Request for sodapopistheloml

I wake up to the sound of someone rustling around ths room. I open my eyes to my boyfriend Sodapop picking up articles of clothes, and what looked like swimming trunks, and stuffing them in a big blue beach bag.  "What are you doing?" I ask him.  "Get up Roxanne we're going swimming with the rest of the gang!" He exclamied. I sit there confused for a moment, "We don't have a pool, what are we gonna do? Travel to the nearest beach in Darry's small pick-up truck?"  "Exactly!" He shouts once more. "Get your things packed! We leave in an hour! Soda! Roxanne!" Darry shouts toward us. "Yes Mother." I retaliate back. Soda and I finish packing and head outside to Darry's pick-up. We wait for the rest of the gang to come out, and when they do, we'll have to figure out seating arrangements. "Ok," Darry starts, "Roxanne, Pony, and I will be in the front and the rest of y'all will get in the back and no trouble makin'. If you do I'll skin ya'."  I gave Soda a peck on the lips before getting in the front.

Four Hours Later

We finally arrived at the beach. All the boys hopped out of the bed of the truck. "AHHHH MY BACK FEELS LIKE IT'S BROKE!!!" shouts Two-Bit. Dally slaps him hard on the back, "There dumbass."  Johnny hops out and heads toward Pony, Steve goes with Two, and Dally lights a cancer stick. Soda and I help Darry take the stuff down to the edge of thd water and set up the umbrella and chairs. I had played around with the boys until I got a bit tired and took a nap with Soda, later once we woke up Soda and I played Chicken against Pony and Johnny. We stayed there until late into the evening. Then we eventually pile into the truck once more and head home.

Four Hours Back Home

We drop everyone off except for Johnny. Once we get home Pony and Darry go to their room, Johnny crashes on the couch, and Soda and I go to our room. Once we get into our Pj's we climb into bed. Soda sighs, "I love you Roxanne." He paused awaiting a responce, when none came he looked down and realized you were fast asleep.

I hope this one was good sodapopistheloml I tried my best since its been awhile. So I hope everyone liked it! :D

Luv ya, Stay Gold, Amelia <3

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