Imagine #28 (Dallas Winston)

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Imagine: Your boyfriend Dallas is in the army. He has been fighting for almost a year now, you have been alone. The rest of the comes by but it's not the same. One day mid-summer, you hear a knock at the door, opening hoping you would see Dally, but you see another solider. "Ms. (Y/L/N)" he says. "Yes, that's me." He hands you Dally's uniform and an american flag. You start to cry knowing what happened. "I'm sorry." he says, "He died a strong, noble warrior." "Th-thank you." you say through tears. He nods and walks away as you shut the door. You call Darry and was wondering if the rest of the gang was at the house. You go over to the Curtis house to tell them the news. When you walk in the door they all rush over to you, "What happened?" Two asked. You calm down and say. "D-dally died in b-battle!" They step back with a shocked look on their faces, and you hand them his uniform and the flag. We all sit on the couch and mourn for Dally, you cry the most.

(A/N: I know this is a sad one T_T  But at least he died saving his country Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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