Imagine #35 (Two-Bit's Sister)

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Imagine: It was you, Two-Bit, and Ponyboy. You were 5-years old, you guys were taking a walk but you were on Two's back. He was talkin' bout how he almost killed his girlfriend last night, "You oughtta see Kathy's brother. Now there's a hood. He's so greasy he glides when he walks. He goes to the barber shop for an oil change, not a hair cut." You laugh hysterically then say, "That's what you need Two! An oil change!" you mess up his hair with your hand. "Hey! Hey! Kid sister, I had it the way I wanted it!" You keep on laughing then you realize something, Two pulled out your hair tie from your hair. "Hey, it's a hot day now. And my pony tail was perfect!" you shout. "Now you know how I feel about my hair." I sigh and he gives me my hair tie back.

(A/N: Hope you like this and that you get the book/movie part in this. Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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