Imagine #39 (Ponyboy Curtis)

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Imagine: Being Steve's sister, you couldn't do a lot. Your first boyfriend , Steve almost pulled his switchblade on him. You always had an affair for Pony, but telling Steve would be hard. Since his best friend is Pony's older brother. You and Steve go over to the Curtis house to hang out. When you get there Pony rushes over to you, "(Y/N)! Could I talk to you?" You look at him with a big smile, "Sure!" You both walk out to the back of the house. Pony is looking at his feet, "This may be a surprise,  (Y/N).  But I love you! I've loved you from day one. I was scared to tell you becau-" You kiss him  passionately then look up at him, "I LOVE YOU too Ponyboy!" He looks at you and smiles and you both walk back into the house with huge smiles on your faces.

(A/N: Hope you like this one. I was up late last night writing this one. Lol Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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