Imagine #9 (Steve Randle)

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         You walk into the DX station to ask for some directions. You only see one boy with a blue t-shirt on, with a name tag that says Steve. "H-hello? I'm new in town and I was wondering how to get to the Nightly Double from here?" you ask. He looks up from what he was working on and smiles. "Wow! You sure are pretty! Yeah, just go on the way yous was comin' take a right at the light, two miles and then a left and you should be there." "Thanks!" You start to walk away when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and see Steve. "H-hey," he stutters, "You want to go to the Nightly Double with me, instead of bein' alone?" You look up and smile, "Sure! My name's (Y/N) by the way." He smiles back at you, "Steve!" You wave bye and get in your car, you see Steve jump up and shout yes, then run back into the DX. 

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