Imagine #49 (Two-Bit's Sister)

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Imagine:  You and your brother Two-bit were only one year apart in age. So in school you were in first grade and he was in second, you were at school and Bob started to pick on you.  It was lunch time and you got a lot of food on your tray, because you never ate breakfast, you claim that lunch was too early to eat breakfast. So what did Bob do he made fun of you saying that you were fat. "Look at all the food (Y/N) has!" he laughs. You look at your food, set it down and run out crying. "(Y/N)! Wait!" Two runs after you. Once he catches up he calms you down and walks home with you. Both of you skipped the rest of the school day. You wen to Dairy Queen and got ice cream and went to the Nightly Double to go see a movie. You fell asleep half-way through the movie so Two had to carry you home. 

(A/N: I just wanted to clarify that I am calling NO ONE fat. You all are beautiful in your own ways! But other than that I hope you like it! Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

(P.S: The picture is not mine. I do not claim the writing with in that book. I just saw the photo online and I liked it for this imagine.

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