Imagine #34 (Curtis Sister)

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Imagine: You are at the DX station with your twin brother Sodapop. You mainly work on your father's old car. That's when you hear Soda call your name, "(Y/N)! I need you help with something!" "Why can't you do it your self!?" you shout back, "You're smart with cars!" "But I need two people for this!" you roll your eyes. "Ask Steve!" He's on his lunch break!" he shouts back. UGHHHHH! Fine I'm coming! I'm coming!" When you get to Soda you see your other bothers, Ponyboy and Darry. When they see you they bust up laughing. "What's so funny?"  Then Pony finally says, "You got more grease on your face then Two's girlfriend's brother has in his hair!"  You roll you eyes, "Whatever." and you go back to work on dad's car. 

(A/N: Soda's twin sister!!! WELP!!!! Luv ya Stay Gold <3 Amelia)

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