Chapter 20

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The new house was finished, everything was in place. The staff members were all instructed as to how the new household would be run. Isabelle would be permitted to help with household chores if she so desired and Magnus would help in the men's duties when he was able. Joanna took up the position of housekeeper and her husband Tobias stayed as Magnus's man-servant. Jacob became the stable master.

Magnus helped Amelia, Isabelle and the twins into the carriage. The last of Magnus's and Isabelle's things were secured on the cart and the entourage headed off. Isabelle hadn't visited the site of the building since the laying of the foundations as her increasing girth during her pregnancy with the twins made it difficult for her to sit and travel comfortably. During the year after they were born Isabelle was simply too busy.

The twins looked a lot like their parents, a boy with blond hair like his father and a girl with dark hair like her mother, Benjamin Charles and Violet Amelia. The twins stole the hearts of all that met them. They had smiles that could light up a room.

Everyone was excited as they pulled up outside the new home. Isabelle was in awe.

"So, is it what you expected?" asked Magnus.

"Yes and so much more! Magnus, it's just like I imagined it when we first dreamed about it." she replied.

Isabelle's eyes were wide with wonder as she took in the beautiful building and gardens. Magnus stepped out of the carriage and took little Benjamin in his arms while Amelia stepped down, then he took little violet as Isabelle stepped down. They walked inside and were greeted by Joanna and another servant who took the children to the nursery closely followed by Amelia. Isabelle walked from room to room.

"It's so beautiful," she gasped.

"Our mothers picked out the furnishings and decor while you were busy with our fine babies," he said.

"Your father organised the garden and planted several fruit trees for us. Joanna has been busying herself teaching the maids how to polish and organise everything just right. Cook has been informed that you may wish to use the kitchen occasionally... and I love you so much Isabelle. I've tried to provide you with the best I could." He took her by the hand and together they walked to the nursery. They stood in the doorway admiring their little ones at play. Isabelle suddenly put her hand to her mouth and rushed to the washroom.

"Isabelle, what's the matter?" Magnus called after her.

Amelia stepped quickly and took him by the arm. She smiled sweetly at him.

"She's fine, Magnus."

 Magnus looked concerned.

"She doesn't look fine to me," he snapped a little too sharply.

Amelia patted his arm.

"She's fine!"

Isabelle came back to the nursery looking pale and holding her stomach with her hands. Magnus took her in his arms and kissed her forehead.

"You look pale Isabelle are you unwell?"

Isabelle smiled and her eyes sparkled.

"We are with child again, my darling."

She put a hand on his cheek as she spoke. Joanna and Amelia gave out girlish giggles as Magnus's knees buckled to the floor. He embraced Isabelle around the hips and kissed her stomach.

"Only eleven more to go!" he quipped.

Isabelle ruffled his hair.

Amelia and Simon sat in the silence of their home. They missed the children's giggles and watching Isabelle and Magnus play with them. Today they decided to go and visit with James and Mariah. Simon readied the cart, helped his beloved Amelia aboard and off they trotted. They were welcomed with open arms. They sat in the Library chatting with James and Mariah and talked of how they were missing Isabelle and Magnus and the babies and how quiet the house had become.

"I have something for you," said James as he disappeared out of the room.

In just a few minutes he returned holding a largish flat object wrapped in a cloth.

"I thought you would miss your Isabelle so I had this framed for you."

James rested the object in a chair and pulled off the cloth. It was the charcoal drawing that Mariah had done. James had sent it to the framers to have it mounted.

"Where did you find that?" asked Mariah.

"It was the picture you drew, my love. I had placed it in my side board with the intention of giving it to Magnus but with all that has happened since I forgot about it until just recently."

James handed the picture to Amelia and Simon.

"Here, I think you should have it."

That day Simon and Amelia went home and hung the picture in the sitting room.

Magnus and Isabelle had their beautiful family grow in number having fifteen children in all. Tobias and Joanna had five beautiful children that played and grew up with Magnus's and Isabelle's brood. Wesley married the sweet young auburn-haired Lady he met at his eighteenth birthday party and Sarah married a handsome brown-eyed Lord she'd met at the Grand Duke's Ball.

Jacob Miles, did he get married? Yes he did, Jacob married Ruby from the Campbell's kitchen.

Who killed the Lord Hugh Graystone? A certain wealthy man-servant who married a certain wealthy housekeeper shall never tell!

(Note: I hope you enjoyed my story. I guess it's not bad for me... I used to struggle to write a 200 word essay at High School... PleaseVOTE if you like it... don't forget to comment... and Thanks so much for taking the time to read it.)

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