Chapter 7

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Crashing and banging could be heard coming from Lord Graystone's room.

"You'd best be seeing to the master," Mrs Bullimore said to Alfred as she gave him a concerned look and a poke in the ribs.

"Oh, dread!" Off I go to the slaughter." he quipped to her as he headed to Lord Graystone's room.

"Sir," Albert called as he knocked on the master's door, "Is everything alright?"

A red-faced Lord pulled open the door and grabbed his man by the scruff and dragged him into the room.

"Where the devil is it?" Lord Graystone growled.

"What would 'it' be? asked Albert.

"My whip!" the angry Lord retorted, "I want to give the stable boy a lesson!"

"Well, ....sir , if you'll remember, you asked me to put 'it' and the chains away so that you would not be tempted to use them again, and this I did." boldly, he added, "You asked me to help you and this promise I will keep. You can beat the living tar out of me but I will not tell you where they are."

Graystone grabbed Albert by his shirt front and drew his fist back ready to do just that.

Calmly Albert spoke again, "I can't help you if you grind me to a pulp, m'lord."

Lord Graystone dropped his fist and let go of the poor man's shirtfront.

Albert looked around at the upturned room.

"So what did the stable boy do to warrant his encounter with your wrath?"

"He left a scuff mark on my saddle and hasn't cleaned the bridle." Graystone gruffed his petty excuse.

Albert coughed and spluttered at hearing this. "For these very minor things you wish to whip the young lad? Lord Graystone I believe you had better get off you so called 'high horse' and realize that today is the boy's day off!" He berated his master, expecting fury to explode, but at this news Lord Graystone stopped still.

"Oh, I'm sorry Tinson ----He has the day off?"

"Yes, sir, so that he may visit with his family. All the staff and servants get 1 day off each week." answered Albert.

"But you have been available at my every beckon and call, don't you have a day off too?" enquired the Lord.

"Sir, I have not had a day off in some time, but when I feel you are able to handle yourself like a gentleman should I would be pleased to resume my former time-table." Albert formally proclaimed.

"Oh!" was all the Lord of the Manor could utter.

"This man-servant has gone well beyond his duties. I don't ever remember him having a day off even in sickness." thought Lord Graystone. "I owe it to him to keep trying to bridle my unpleasant ways" He looked around his room at the scattered drawers, their previous contents and other up-ended furniture strewn around as if a strong wind had let itself loose in his room.

"It's fine," said Albert, noticing the Lord looking at the mess he'd made. "I'll see things righted in here. Why don't you go for a walk out of doors for a while?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, but I think, perhaps, I should stay and assist you with the tidy up" Graystone smirked a little.

The two men started to restore the contents of the room to their proper places.

Magnus was perplexed at the seriousness of Isabelle's illness. she had not said a word about feeling poorly, not one complaint of pain and now here she was easing away from the brink of death. The doctor had told him the infection had caused blood poisoning and it would take several days for her to be strong again but in the meantime she would have to stay in the care of the doctor and his good wife. Magnus was also warned that if the infection flared up again that it may take her life. Tobias, knowing the gravity of the situation, tried to jolly Magnus, but he would not be cheered. Magnus's simple reply was to ask Tobias and Jacob to secure lodgings for them to last possibly several days. The two men walked out of the door and set about the task.

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