Chapter 1

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Her mount raced through the trees on the winding road. Ebony hair was whipping out behind her, her dark cloak flapping and allowing the evening coolness to pass through. She hadn't had time to secure it before heading off. Her time of leaving had been carefully orchestrated with the help of Lord Graystone's personal man-servant Albert Tinson. He had taken a liking to the girl several years ago and vowed to help her escape from the 'prison' in which she was kept.

Lord Graystone had kidnapped the girl eleven years ago. He was a hard-hearted man. He took her from her home and family as payment for a debt he said her father owed. It seemed that the only thing her father had done to offend this man was to have married a very beautiful woman, one who was full of the milk of kindness, who was loved by all that knew her, ... loved by Lord Graystone!

The girl's mother had come from a very comfortable lifestyle and a very wealthy family. Her father was a struggling farmer but did all he could to ensure his wife's comfort in their modest home. Their love was deeper than any ocean. Her father's family had owrked for her mother's family farming somof the lands belonging to the waelthy Estate. her mother, Amelia, had taken a liking to her father, Simon, when they were but young children.they were discouraged from forming anyhting more than an acquaintance as it would be fround upon by society because of the staion Amelia's family held in the community. This high station saw Amelia attending many parties with the aristocracy as she became of age.

The young Lord Hugh Graystone was also one to attend those magnificent parties. From the moment Lord Graystone first laid eyes on Amelia he was captivated by this wonderous beauty and thought he would take her to wife. Amelia, however, had her heart st on another -Simon, the farmer's son. Hugh Graystone told his parents of his intentions and within days the two families were about the business of planning a magnificent wedding and feast. When Amelia was told of the plans that were being made to secure her future within the Graystone family she burst into tears and ran to the farmer's house. She knocked on the wooden door and was greeted by Simon's mother. Feeling safe in the embrace of this good woman Amelia sobbed and told of what had been planned. When it was asked of her why she was so upset about this arrangement Amelia broke down in tears again and hugged the woman tightly and spoke of her love for Simon.

Simon was summoned by his mother, as was his father. The situation was explained as Amelia continued to sob. Simon's eyes lit up upon hearing of the love Amelia had held in her heart and he asked if sh would marry him. The family gatheered and explained carefully how life would be if she chose to marry this poor farm boy.

Amelia had returned home and told her parents of her refusal to marry Hugh Graystone. Her family was aghast but no amount of discussion could change Amelia's mind. her family sanctioned the union with the understanding that Amelia was to be disinherited from the family wealth.

Lord Graystone was livid when he was sent news of the marriage. No matter how many parties he attended he would not be consoled. nor would he consider taking a wife of any other woman. For years he had stewed and boiled at not having the beautiful Amelia. Upon hearing that Amelia and Simon had a daughter that was growing as beautiful as her mother Hugh mused at the idea of stealing her away while she was young and he would train her to be a faithful wife to him and lavish his wealth upon her as he would have done for Amelia.

As it happened he did kidnap the girl successfully and she was a beauty, though only twelve years old. Lord Graystone felt confident he could 'train' this girl to the station he desired of her and that when she came of age he would marry her. Within months Hugh felt angered as he looked at the girl -she was too much like her mother in beauty and manner. He whipped her, trying to cast the image of Amelia from his mind. He became more and more harsh as the beautious girl grew older, but she kept her beauty and manner regardless. The servants and staff had tended to her wounds and tried to protect her but the bitter and wrathful Lord continued his tirade year after year, whipping the girl on the anniversary of Amelia and Simon's union.

Those eleven years were full of sorrow and pain. The girl had been kept well cared for as far as clothing and food, she had been placed in a room with luxurious furnishings. The door of that room was kept locked most of the time. She was taken daily for short excursions out of doors but always with a chain attached to a metal collar around her neck. He said it was to teach her 'gratitude'. Gratitude for what? His 'kindness'? She vowed, "I will escape ....somehow!" From then on the servants were restricted from having any casual contact with her. They were watched to make sure they only spent enough time to do the tasks and chores assigned them. Then, upon their completion her door was once again locked securely by his Lordship.

She looked back over her shoulder towards the Manor and whispered another "thank you" to Albert. She knew if he was found out that he would pay dearly for what he had done for her -possibly with his life. She turned back to the path her horse was heading along and leaned closer to his neck. his dark coat was starting to glisten with sweat. She knew she would soon have to rest him. She pushed him on. She had to be sure to get far enough away from that horrid place that Lord Graystone could not find her.

She had no idea where she was. Nothing looked familiar to her. It seemed when she had been kidnapped that they had travelled for days but she couldn't be sure... she was unconscious for part of the journey -she didn't know for how long, but knew they had travelled several days whilst she was awake. Her horse was tiring so she slowed him to an easy walk. She pulled her cloak around her and fastened it. It was then she noticed a saddle bag. Why didn't she see it before? She kept her horse walking on for what she estimated was about a half hour before they happened upon a river. She pulled her horse up and dismounted and stiffly led him over to sip the cool water. She was not known for my riding prowess when at home and actually surprised herself at being able to stay on her mount as long as she had.

It had been a few hours since they had headed out and she was now feeling saddle-sore and  finding it hard to move her legs. She tied the horse to a large tree, keeping them in the shadows. She lifted the saddle bag from the saddle and placing it on the ground opened it, snapped the flap closed again. She couldn't believe what she had seen! She slowly opened the flap again and looked inside again. Her heart was racing. Albert had placed several money pouches in the saddle bag. She took one out and carefully opened it -gold and silver- more than the girl had ever seen before! She pulled the cords tight and placed the pouch back in the saddle bag with the others. The girl knew she had to keep moving.

She secured the saddle bag, took up the reins and mounted the wonderful strong beast that had been chosen for her. She clicked him up to a steady trot over a nearby bridge. The trees gave way to open fields. She kicked her steed to a fast gallop once again.The girl didn't feel safe out in the open-ness of the fields.

The sky was clear and the moon was shining brightly.There was a fork in the road ahead. She turned her horse to the left and caught a glimpse of a sign pointing to 'Trethundridge". She had hoped she was heading to a town.

The road was a bit rough and the girl had to pull her horse up to a trot so that she didn't get thrown as Zeus was struggling to keep his feet at the speed they had been travelling and she was fighting to stay in the saddle. They  rounded a hill and she could see the moonlight reflecting from the buildings in the distance.

The road seemed like it hadn't been travelled much and was now becoming a lot rougher. Zeus was slowed to a steady walk. Before long they were approaching the edge of the town. The moonlight was now giving in to the glimmerings of sunrise. They had to find somewhere to hide and rest.

An old run-down shed just out of the town seemed like it hadn't been used for awhile. Nearby looked to be some charred ruins of a building that was now being overgrown with weeds. The girl rode up close to the shed and dismounted. She led her horse to the door, tentatively opened the latch and peered in. She could smell stale hay but at least it seemed dry and secure, and obviously hadn't been used for some time. She pulled on the reins and Zeus followed her inside. She closed the door and secured him in a stall on one side and made herself comfortable in the hay. Her weary body didn't need to be invited to slumber. She was quickly asleep.

Flight and FancyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora