Chapter 13

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Magnus had convinced Simon and Amelia to return to Blessinghill with he and the others. They didn't have many possessions and packed what they could onto the carriage. The joy of going to see their precious Isabelle overshadowed the sorrow of leaving the cottage. When their luggage was all stowed Simon and  Amelia swept the floor, closed the curtains and closed the door. Jacob headed the horses back the way they had come through the forest but instead of heading back to the main thoroughfare they turned the other way to detour through another estate. It was a full day's journey with the heavily laden carriage before they arrived at a town.

They continued on their journey only taking time to stop when they had to. Magnus, Tobias and Jacob took it in turns in driving the team. It was a long trip, taking nearly two weeks before they came upon the Blessinghill Estate's outer-most villages. They had been gone for about six weeks in all and the nearer they drew to home the more Magnus longed to see Isabelle.

Time seemed to drag on at the Campbell's Manor. News had filtered back to James of Lord Whiteroad having an altercation with three men in the town near his home and that he had sustained serious woulds during the fracas. James was sure that the three men were Magnus and his friends and was concerned for their welfare but upon hearing they had left the town the same day he was sure that they had been preserved. He kept the news to himself so as not to frighten his wife.

James was in the study working and noticed Sarah's leather portfolio sitting on the desk. He had placed it there over a week ago promising Sarah he would look at her drawings. He unclipped it and pulled out several drawings. Sarah had drawn some beautiful pictures of the creek and willows, of the  flowers and insects. As he came to the last drawing he knew it was not drawn by his  daughter. It was a portrait, a very good likeness of Isabelle drawn by the hand of his wife. Mariah had not drawn or painted  for a long time. She was very adept and her deft had had captured every detail of her subject. James stood up and placed the portrait in the drawer of his side board for safe-keeping, shuffled the other pictures back into the portfolio and secured the clip. he continued on with his work.

It was a beautiful fresh morning as the carriage bearing the weary travellers turned up through the gates of the Campbell manor. Welsey was first to greet them. He wanted to hear of Magnus's adventures.

"Not now, Wesley!" a tired Magnus retorted. "Help the men bring everything inside."

Magnus called to one of the servants as they appeared at the door and asked them to prepare a room for their newly arrived guests. As Magnus turned back to help unload the carriage his mother hurried out through the door.

"Magnus, I'm so pleased you're home safely."

She could see the men carrying luggage toward the door,

"You found them! Where are they?"

Mariah searched the faces and as she did so Amelia stepped down from the carriage.

"Amelia!" Mariah's joy at seeing her friend was overwhelming. a dam of tears burst as she hurried over to embrace the tired and dishevelled woman. The two women wept with joy and neither wanted to release the other in case one should suddenly vanish as waking from a dream.

"Come inside my dear Amelia. I'll see that you have a bath and some clean clothes provided to you." Mariah was willing and able to help in every way.

"Mabel," she called to one of the maids. Would you please see to a bath and clean attire from my wardrobe for Lady Amelia."

"Yes, ma'am," Mabel said with a curtsy and hurried off.

The two women ambled off to the room that was being prepared for the newly arrived guests. They sat on the side of the bed and chatted about their childhood days until Mabel arrived to escort Amelia to the washroom.

Mariah walked down to the kitchen and was politely brushed out by the cook.

"I'll not have you in my kitchen today," chuckled the cook, "We're so busy I might forget who is staff and who is not. I might bind you in an apron and have you scrubbing potatoes instead of young Ruby here."

Mariah smiled as she left and headed to Sarah's room. Sarah was up and getting dressed and very excited at the news of the visitors that had come back with Magnus.

The carriage had been taken back to the sheds and stables. The groom and stable master turned the two horses out to the pasture where they playfully bucked and kicked, glad to be free of their heavy burden. The groom went to work cleaning the tack while the stable master looked to repairing the damage on the carriage caused by the pellet.

The men had gone to their rooms, had washed at their basins and put on clean clothes. The guests' luggage had been dusted off in the foyer and placed in their room. Joanna had woken Isabelle with the news of Magnus's return and was helping her dress. The kitchen was in a flurry as a breakfast fit for the King was prepared. The men gathered in the Library and awaited the women to join them. Isabelle entered the Library doorway. Magnus jumped to his feet and almost ran across the room to her. Tossing all care and formality aside he threw his arms around her and planted a deep kiss upon her rosy lips. Magnus hugged Isabelle like he never wanted to let her go.

"I missed you so." he whispered in her ear.

"I missed you too." whispered Isabelle as she hugged him back.

James cleared his throat. Smiling he said, "Magnus, I believe there is another here wanting to embrace Isabelle, and I don't mean myself!"

"Of course, father." Magnus nodded to James and led Isabelle by the hand to another gentleman standing nearby.

"Isabelle, do you remember who I am?" the gentleman sweetly asked as he held out his large hard calloused hands to her. Isabelle looked at his weathered face and as her eyes met his she cried out and stepped into his waiting arms. "Father, my dear father!"

Simon held his now grown daughter tightly and kissed and caressed her beautiful shiny hair. There was no need for words.

Mariah had gone to the wash room to see how Amelia was fairing and was informed by Mabel that she would be along shortly. She headed to the Library and was pleasantly surprised to see that father and daughter had been reunited. She announced that Lady Amelia would join them shortly. Mariah walked over and placed a hand on Simon's arm.'

"It is so wonderful to see you are looking so well after all these years."

Mabel appeared at the doorway and knocked on the door jamb. "Lady Amelia, m'lord," she announced and stepped aside as Amelia made her way into the Library. She was dressed in such fine dress like she hadn't worn since before she had married and her hair cascaded in rich dark waves down her back. She was a picture of beauty and elegance. Simon took Isabelle by the hand and led her to her mother. The women embraced with sobbing and smiles. Simon wrapped his large, strong arms around his two special women. James watched as they hugged each other and he too was overcome with emotion. He gathered his family around him and hugged and kissed each of them grateful for the blessing of having his family.

Mariah took Magnus by the hand. "Thank you Magnus and please pass my thanks on to Tobias and Jacob for finding my dear friend and Isabelle's family."

"Where is Tobias?" queried James, "He should be here, this reunion is partly his family as well!"

Tobias was summoned to the Library and invited to join with the day's celebrations.

The dining room was filled with the noise of joy filled chatter and the clank of cutlery on porcelain as they ate and renewed acquaintances.

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