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I arrived to my apartment and let Daniel in, he observed my apartment.

"Not bad at all...you got a nice place here." He said.

"Yeah well, I'm still settling in, see that dresser in the room? I wanna move that towards my closet."

"No problem."

We walk in my room and he helps me move the dresser where I wanted it.

"Anything else?" He said.

For about an hour he helped me unpack my last boxes. In the meantime he told me about his job and where he went to school. Personal relationships, and why he loves teaching. He has so much passion for his work, it kinda reminded me of myself :) I told him a little bit about myself as well, he admires my passion for dancing.

"Okay..that was the last box.." he sighed.

"Yay! Thank you so much!" I jumped up to hug him cheerfully.

He laughed. "May I have a glass of water?"

I pulled away. "Of course, want something to eat? I can make us some bombing sandwiches."

"Yeah. Sounds good."

He followed me to the kitchen, I looked through cabinets and took out what I needed.

"So Daniel..what do you know about Jungkook?" I said.

"I had that boy in my class when he was a freshman..he hardly showed up but when he did... it was always something new."

"How so?" I began to spread mayonnaise on the breads.

"He would always argue with me, or with his peers. There was always a fight at the end of class."

"Daniel..he was how old? Like 14. It's normal for teens to go through that stage."

"I thought so too..but one time I was driving to work, and saw something. I was quite surprised."

I handed him his sandwich. "What was it?"

"I saw him dealing...you know. Drugs."

I blinked a few times. "So? I'll be honest, I went through that rebel stage myself, I thought I was so cool doing weed."

"Hmm..but this young boy, he saw me. He knew I was watching but didn't bother running away or act non suspicious. It was odd. Of course I got to work and informed security. They searched him but nothing was found."


"Later that day, I get back to my car and all my tires were deflated. There was a note on my windshield. It said.

I dare you to snitch on me now. Punk."

I laughed out loud.

"Mr. Henny xD! That scared you? It was just a few deflated tires and a note xD"

"It wasn't funny until he terrorized my home, he stole personal belongings. And he was found innocent, he left no proof he stole. But I know it was him."

I stopped laughing and apologized.

"Since then, I hear stories about how he's in the mafia, or he deals with drug trafficking. Or prostitution. I don't believe them but... when I hear stories about him breaking girls hearts. That I sure can believe."

"Well obviously, have you seen that boy? He's very handsome."

He sighed. "He broke my nieces heart.."

I stood silent.

"I confronted him...but the way he said he didn't care..oh..that really hurt me. My niece loved him, I remember she yelled at my sister and ran off with that boy. Only to come back home completely broken. Thanks to him she goes to therapy sessions."

I gasped. "Oh my gosh what did he do to her?!"

"What do you think he did to her?"

My heart pounded.

"He didn't.."

"He did. He does it to many girls? I'm never surprised when I see another girl crying over him. It's a shame to see girls still going after him."

"Mr. Henney..I'm sorry but, I think you misjudge Jungkook because of personal feelings. I'm sure he's learned from his mistakes, and perhaps he's somewhat still a troubled teen since many people believe the stupid rumors. When I was in high school, many thought I was rude. Only because of outspoken mind, even in college. I had bitches coming up to me and starting drama because people said I'm rude? It really sucks when no ones gives you chance to actually get to know you."

He was startled at my response.

"Okay." He said.

"Okay what?"

"Nothing. Just okay. Well, I have to be going now, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye Janice." He smiled then proceeded out the door.

I know Mr. Henney was only trying to warn me to keep an eye on Jungkook. But I'm not the type of judge from what I hear. I judge by what I see and how I'm treated, and as far as I'm concerned. Jungkook is a sweet kid, he's just misunderstood.


That night I was craving some strawberry flavored bubble tea. So I decided to head out to the Cafe and treat myself. I got to the Cafe got what I desired then sat at a table. I slurped my tea as I scrolled through my phone. Oh na na na ~

Someone tapped on my shoulder, I looked over and was surprised.

"Is this seat taken?"

I shook my head no.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"No.." I said hesitantly.

He smiled and sat across from me.

"You like bubble tea too?" He said as he sucked on his straw. The defined hallows that formed on his cheeks as he sucked was like...what am I doing? I'm his teacher, oh my gosh no Janice! Calm yourself.

"Y-yes..I do.." I said. I cleared my throat.

"Do you like it here so far?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, it's lovely here. I like the environment."

"What about the school?"

"It's fine. I love it."

He smiled and continued to drink.

I lightly smiled back and slurped.

He watched me so profoundly, I grew a bit uncomfortable. I put my drink down.

"So what brings you out here at this hour? Aren't you supposed to be home sleeping?" I said.

He snapped back. "No. My foster mom trusts I'll be back at a decent hour."

My eyes widen. Did he just say foster mom?

"Jungkook...you live in a foster home?"

His eyes widen and he grew nervous. I don't think he realized he mentioned something he probably didn't want to.


"Forget what I said. I'm leaving. Bye." He said.

He immediately gets up and leaves the Cafe, I sit there with a blank expression. Foster mom? Why does this feel like it's forming into some type of puzzle that I might have to figure out on my own one way or another.


Unacceptable Love (BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now