No Soul In A Physical Body

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"Janice, omg you're ok.." he said in worrisome and bent down to embrace me.

I legit can't move. Despite my wound, I literally cannot move a muscle. I'm in utter shock!

Jungkook is here. And I don't even know how or why...

I know for damn sure this is real, this is NO nightmare.

He pulled away, "Hey.."

I can't even speak.

I don't want to.

He's here..

He's not a little kid anymore, he grew into a very handsome man. He got that 5o'clock shadow and his voice grew deep and masculine. His skin feels a bit rough but he still has those delicate mesmerizing eyes.

Just then, Bailey crawled out from her hiding spot and gasped.

Jungkook turned to look at her.

Jungkook: you grew up. Look at you..huh..

He watched her in amazement while she seemed just as surprised.

Bailey: *gasp* mommy!

She quickly crawled toward me and cried.

Bailey: Mommy your leg! You're hurt!

"Oh..yeah." I bluntly said and looked at my throbbing wound.

I can't even feel the pain anymore, my mind is mixed with emotions right now.

Jungkook: Shit. Ok c'mon let's get out of here.

Without letting me speak, he carried me bridal style.

Bailey: Please care for my mommy.. super hero guy.. *smiles awkwardly* it's nice to see you again.

Jungkook smiled at my baby.

Jungkook: Gather a few things. I'm getting you two out of here.

Bailey: Ok! *runs to her room*

He sat me down carefully at my bed and took out one of my luggage bags.

Jungkook: I'll just pack your things for you, you won't need much so it shouldn't matter.

He stared at me for a moment then began to pack my belongings.

He's here...

Jungkook is here..with me.

And he literally just killed a guy, the body is still fresh and lying on my carpeted floor.

Just like in my dream.

My nightmare became reality.

"Is there anything in specific you need me to pack for you?" He asked.

It amazes me how calm he is, as if nothing ever happened. As if he never left me alone to survive. As if he was never dead.

"Janice?" He called.

I didn't say a word, all I did was point at my restroom. He sighed and went to it, opening the mirror cabinet and grabbing the endless bottles of medication.

He took a moment staring at them then glared at me, "What the fuck is this shit? You sick or something?"

What's the point in answering if he's only going to get mad? I simply shrugged and looked down at the floor, emotionless.

"Janice." He walked over to me and bent down before me, he forced me to look him in the eye, "Talk to me. What are these?"

"Can't you read?" I bluntly asked.

Unacceptable Love (BTS JUNGKOOK FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now