Torn Apart

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-Janice POV-

I woke up wrapped in Yoongi's arms, I was a bit surprised but it made me smile. Maybe he came home last night and snuggled right into bed with me. He's still in his suit. I chuckled.

Carefully without waking him, I crawled out of bed and went to check on Bailey.

She isn't in her room.. maybe she's in the living room watching tv.

Just as I predicted, my sweet little angel.

I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

-phone rings-

I'm in the middle of something -.-




I sighed and picked up. "Hello?"

"Buenos días mi reina~"

I chuckled. "What the hell, Jungkook. You're speaking Spanish now?"

"Well it's just one of the sentences I learned to say. I figured since I'll be marrying you soon, I should know your other language."

"Excuse me?"


"What'd you just say?"

"That I should know your other-"

"No not that. The other thing. Before that."

"Oh. I'm going to marry you."

"You say it like you're so sure."

"Don't you want to marry me?"

Two arms wrapped around my waist and a kiss was placed on my neck.

Yoongi: Good morning~


Jungkook: Answer the question.

"Uh..good morning honey."

Jungkook: What?

Yoongi: Mm~ what's for breakfast?

Jungkook: Oh. Him.

"Aha! Funny..yeah, I'll call you later."

Jungkook: He's cheating on you.


I hung up.

"Who was that?" Yoongi asked.

I put the phone down. "A co-worker.."

"Oh." He went to his seat. "Sorry I got home later than I usually do. Work was hectic."

I wonder how hectic.

"Such as?" I asked as I prepared the eggs.

"Ahh just... club life. You wouldn't understand."

I'm not stupid. I know exactly what the 'club life' is like. But he doesn't know that. Jungkook just he's lying. Yoongi couldn't possibly...

Then again what am I getting worked up about? I'm not innocent.

Could the both of us be cheating on each other?

"Are those eggs ready yet?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes and served him, I nearly slammed the plate on the table.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Mhm." I went to prepare Bailey's cereal.

"I've been married to you for 4 years, almost 5, I feel like I've known you my whole life. You're upset. What's wrong?"

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